Sunday, January 12, 2020


THE MODERN WORLD AND THE BIBLE LANDS. NOTE.—The Bible Lands are those included within the red lines.

Transcriber's Note: Larger versions of this and most other maps may be seen by clicking on the image. This is also true of some of the larger and more detailed colored charts.




Biblical Geography and History

For the Use of Teachers and Students of the Bible, and for Sunday School Instruction, containing

Maps, Plans, Review Charts, Colored Diagrams,






Author of "Revised Normal Lessons," "Studies in the Four Gospels," "Studies in Old Testament History," etc.

Chancellor of the Chautauqua University.





On this side of the sea we sit down with a big book in our hands. It is an old book. Nearly two thousand years have passed since the last word of it was written, and no one can tell how many thousands of years ago the records were made or the words uttered, out of which its first writer prepared his wonderful statements.
This old book is a singular book as to the variety of its contents,—ranging from dry chronological statement to highest flight of royal poetry. Many pages of it are simply historical, with lists of kings, and names of family lines through many generations. Geographical allusions descending to minutest detail are strewn thickly through its pages. There is no department of natural science which does not find some of its data recognized in the chapters of this venerable volume. Stones and stars, plants and reptiles, colossal monsters of sea and land, fleet horse, bird of swift flight, lofty cedar and lowly lily,—these all find their existence recognized and recorded in that book of "various theme."
As it is a long time since these records were made, so are the lands far away in which the events recorded are said to have occurred. We measure the years by millenaries, and by the thousand miles we measure the distance. The greatest contrast exists between the age and land in which we live and the age and lands in which this book found its beginning, its material and its ending.
To one familiar only with the habits, dress and customs of American life, the every-day events recorded in the book seem fabulous. We do not dress as the book says that people dressed in those far-away years and far-away lands; we do not eat as they did; our houses are not like theirs; we do not measure time as they did; we do not speak their language; our seasons do not answer to the seasons that marked their year. It is difficult, knowing only our modern American life, to think ourselves into the conditions under which this book says that people lived and thought in those long-ago ages. Their wedding feasts and funeral services differed utterly from ours. They lived and died in another atmosphere, under a government that no longer exists; made war upon nations that are powerless to-day as the sleeping dead in a national cemetery; and the things which we read concerning them seem strange enough to us.
In the changes which have taken place through all these centuries, it would be an easy thing, under some circumstances, for men to deny that the people of the book ever lived, that the cities of the book were ever built, that the events of the book ever transpired. And, if its historic foundation were destroyed, the superstructure of truth, the doctrinal and ethical teachings resting upon it, might in like manner be swept away.
This old Book—the Bible, a divine product, wrought into the texture of human history and literature with the gradually unfolding ages—is the old Book we study to-day on this side the sea.
It is a "Book of books,"—the Book out-shining all other books in the literary firmament, as the sun out-splendors the planets that move in their orbits around him.
It is a book that deals with man as an immortal soul; making known the beginnings of the race; going back of the beginning to God, who is from "everlasting to everlasting," and who "in the beginning created the heaven and the earth"; revealing the creative purpose and loving grace of God; tracing the fall and deterioration of man, the divine interposition in human history, the preparation of a family, a race, a nation, and a world at large, for the coming of the Redeemer; revealing the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; showing how the Christ came, what he did, what he said, what he resisted, what he endured, what he suffered, what he achieved; telling in simple way the story of the early church, from the little meeting of the bereaved disciples in the upper room to the magnificent consummation of Christ's coming, as seen in the prophetic visions of St. John on the Isle of Patmos.[iv]
It is a book full of history, of geography, of archæology, of prophecy, of poetry, of doctrine, of "exceeding great and precious promises."
In an important sense the foundations of this book are laid in human history and geography. However high toward the heavens it may reach in doctrine and promise, its foundations lay hold of the earth. If the children of Israel did not live in Egypt and Canaan and the far East, if the statements of their history as recorded in the book be not facts, if the story of Jesus Christ be false,—everything fails us. With the sweeping away of fact, we must also bid farewell to the words of doctrine and of promise here recorded; to the divine words of assurance which now give comfort to the penitent, hope to the despairing, strength to the feeble, and immortal life to the dying.
As we sit down on this side of the sea, it is well that we are able to look beyond the sea to the lands which gave to the world the book in our hands. And it is well, that, as we look, we are able to connect the book of to-day with those same lands as they now lie among the rivers and by the seaside, from the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates to the mouths of the Nile, from the palaces of Babylon to the dock at Puteoli and the prison at Rome. And it is well that the lands as they are found to-day correspond to the records of the Book as they were made centuries and centuries ago. The Book, on its human historic, geographical and archæological side, is true to the facts as in the nineteenth century they are presented to us in the lands of the East.
There are those who believe with firm faith, that, for these days of skepticism and of merciless and conscienceless historic criticism, the lands have been kept almost in their original condition, that the testimony of the modern skeptical traveler might (though unintentionally on his part, but necessarily) corroborate the teachings of the Bible. Have the mummy wrappings of Mohammedan domination held the far East unchanged through the centuries, that in these days of doubt the hills of Canaan, the plains of Egypt and the ruins of Mesopotamia might lift their voice in solemn attestation to the divine truthfulness of the sacred historians?
These lands are memorial lands. They are now what the Book says they once were. Although the sweeping away of ancient governments and the reign of anarchy have modified the face of the country, the evidences still remain that the most glowing descriptions of their prosperity were not exaggerated. Infidels have doubted, for example, whether Palestine could contain the immense populations which, in its prosperous days, according to the statements of the Book, were resident there. But scientists show that the soil of Canaan, under cultivation, is one of the richest and most fertile in the world. The broken terraces that may still be traced on the hill-sides, the walls of cities and other ruins that fill the land, sustain the account of the prosperous days and the immense populations of Bible times.
So little have the conditions of social life been modified, that one may live the old life over again in Canaan. Soil and scenery, the seasons of the year, Jacob's well and the Jordan, Ebal and Gerizim, the plain, the wilderness and the city, all give witness to the words of the Book.
The names of olden time still linger. One lands at Yafa, the "Joppa" of old; Jerusalem is now el Khuds,—"the Holy"; Bahr-lut—"the Sea of Lot"—is the Dead Sea in the Valley of Sodom and Gomorrah; Bir es Seba is the Beersheba of the olden time; el Azariyeh is Bethany, the home of Lazarus; Beit-lahm is still Bethlehem; and el Khalil—"the Friend"—is the name of Hebron, the home of Abram, "the Friend of God."
In the customs and costumes, in the habits of speech and the manners of the people, you read the same lesson. In the spring of 1863 I was permitted to spend forty days and forty nights in Palestine. I saw Abraham at his tent-door; Rebekah vailing herself at the approach of the stranger; the long caravan of camels and Midianites on their way toward the South. I saw the wailing mourners at the house of death; the roof that might easily have been broken up; the wedding procession; the grass on the house-tops; the sparrow making a nest for her young in the synagogues of Jerusalem. I saw the elders in the gates; David the shepherd, with his sheep, on the hill-side; the Jewish mother teaching Timothy the words of the old Book in the old city on the hill. Verily, it is the old land; it is the old life; it is the memorial presentation in concrete form of what the Book says was true there thousands of years ago.
As I stood on Safed, overlooking the Sea of Galilee and the lovely land about it, I turned and looked toward the north, and saw snow-sheathed Hermon, probably the Mount of Transfiguration, as it stood out that day against the blue sky of Syria. I thought of Ruskin's words: "These pure white hills, near to[v] the heavens and sources of all good to the earth, are the memorials of the light of his mercy that fell snow-like on the Mount of Transfiguration."
I once saw the Alps glorified by the setting sun. I was standing on La Flégére, looking down upon the Valley of Chamounix, and upward upon the magnificent heights, above which towered the great Mont Blanc. A pall of mist had hidden the rough and unilluminated rocks; but, when that mist grew thin as a vail of delicate lace, I saw the Alps beyond, and they appeared as if on fire. I cried out in ecstacy, "Behold Mount Zion." Through the mists of earth I saw the splendors of heaven. The story of the transfiguration on Mount Hermon, in the days of Jesus, if taken literally, is not so marvelous as the history we call the life and character of Jesus. Both belong to the realm of the supernatural. The "life" granted, the transfiguration has no surprise in it. So I discover the strange blending of the natural and supernatural in the Land and the Book,—in the Land as to-day hallowed by the Book,—in the Book as to-day supported and made real by the Land.
It thus easily appears that every Bible reader should be acquainted with the outlines of Biblical and geographical antiquities. Without such knowledge it is impossible properly to understand the divine word. How often, through ignorance of sacred archæology, we overlook the force and beauty of the allusions which abound in the narrative, poetic and prophetic parts of Scripture. And there is, moreover, an air of reality imparted to all history by familiarity with the geography involved in it.
In view of the supernatural character of Bible history, acquaintance with Bible geography is particularly important. Once give its wonderful transactions an actual locality among the hills, valleys and cities which may still be found and visited, connecting and comparing them with the records of our present history, and our youth will readily distinguish the miraculous from the mythical, and discover not only clear illustrations of many portions of the Bible, but strong and irresistible evidence in favor of its divinity.
I therefore hail with joy the admirable presentation of the facts of Bible history and geography in this volume—a presentation so clear, and so abundantly illustrative, that the humblest teacher and most indifferent student may be interested and instructed.
The study of Bible history and geography must not be limited to the theological school, the pastor's study, or the advanced Bible class. It is a department peculiarly adapted to our youngest children, and by them most needed, that they may secure the vivid realization of actuality in the Bible narratives. Boys and girls to-day may not take much delight in the advanced doctrinal teachings of the Bible; but it is possible so to connect its history with stories of modern travel, through the regions referred to in that history, that they will become interested in the one because of the pleasure they find in the other.
Our Sunday School libraries should contain the many books of travel through the far East which are published in these days. And our ministers should enlist young people, through special classes, in the study of Bible history and geography. In this way a "week-day hold" upon our young people may be secured.
During ten years of my pastoral life, wherever the itinerant system of my church placed me, I held on every Saturday afternoon, in the lecture-room of my church, a class to which old and young, and the representatives of all denominations, were admitted. It was called "The Palestine Class," and was devoted to the study of Bible history and geography. An outline of facts, prepared in catechetical form, was printed, and committed to memory by every pupil. Difficult old Hebrew names of lands, cities and mountains, were arranged in a rhythmic way, and chanted after the manner of the old-time "singing geography" classes. Answers were given in concert to help the memory, and personal examinations were afterward conducted to test it. The class constituted an "ideal company of tourists to the far East." The course of lessons was divided into five sections, covering the whole of Bible history. As each member, passing a personal examination, gave proof that he had thoroughly mastered "Section One," he was constituted a Pilgrim to the Holy Land, and given a certificate to that effect. Having studied "Section Two," and passed a satisfactory examination, he was made a Resident in Palestine, and his name was associated with one town or mountain. In that way every principal place on the map was associated with the name of some member, who was held responsible to the class for information concerning its history and present condition. An examination in "Section Three" made our "pilgrim" and "resident" a Dweller in Jerusalem. Having been examined in "Section Four," he was made an Explorer of other Bible lands, and was located on some mountain, or city of Egypt, Arabia, Chaldea, Asia Minor, etc. A final examination made him a Templar.[vi]
The songs, concert exercises, responses and ideal pilgrimage gave enthusiasm to the class, while the personal examinations guaranteed thoroughness. As I recall those Saturday afternoons of my early ministry, surrounded by earnest women and wide-awake boys and girls of all ages, I am amply rewarded for all the labor and time expended. The enthusiasm and delight, the perceptible growth in knowledge, the spirit of catholicity, the steadiness promoted in the frivolous, the gratification afforded on the occasion of public examinations and reviews, the increased appreciation of the Sunday preaching, visible on the faces of young and old, the grateful words that have come through the intervening years from those who were by these studies incited to a more intelligent and earnest Bible study—these are some of the results of those years of pastoral service. The plan is practicable for every pastor. The book which I now have the honor of introducing to the public furnishes to every minister a complete preparation for directing such classes—a preparation which, twenty-five years ago, would have been a great benediction to me.
One of these Palestine classes reported its imaginary tour through the village paper. These articles gave local interest to the movement, delighting the imaginary tourists, and (through no fault of ours) deceiving more than one simple-hearted reader in the community. From these letters I make a few extracts.
"Dear Independent: In fulfillment of the promise made the night before our departure, I sit down to write the first of a series of letters detailing the most noteworthy incidents of our journey to the Holy Land, with such historical and geographical facts as are suggested by the localities we may be permitted to visit.
"As you are well aware, an association, which has for its specific object the study of Bible history and geography, was organized in your town some months ago. After a course of thorough preliminary training, arrangements were consummated for a tour of observation through Egypt, Arabia, Palestine,—the lands of Hebrew life and literature, the scenes of the early Christian history, and, later, the arena of Saracenic invasion and domination. We are now on the way thither. While the tide of mighty immigration is pouring westward toward the American desert, the Rocky Mountains, Pike's Peak and Cherry creek, a tiny rill of exploration is trickling eastward toward the desert of Sinai, the mountains of Egypt, the peaks of Lebanon, and the river of Jordan." * * * * *
After calling attention to two books which had just then appeared—"The Land and The Book," by Dr. Thomson, and "Palestine Past and Present," by Dr. Osborn—the Palestine correspondent continued:
"No class of literature is more refining and exalting than the records of cultivated minds made amid the sacred scenes of Palestine, and the not less interesting ruins of Egypt, Asia Minor and Greece. A taste for such mental pabulum is a better safeguard against the popular and polluting fictions of the day than all the mandates of the parent or the uncompromising denunciations of the pulpit. Preoccupy by the good, and there will be no evil to expel. Create a taste for healthful literature in our young people, and they will not crave the blood and fire potions now so mercilessly provided by the corrupt press. This is one object of our present pilgrimage to Palestine. We would open a new world—the newest and yet the oldest of worlds—to their view. We would unfurl bright maps and open new books, and delight them in a field of thought and research, in which healthful influences prevail, a field of fragrant and thornless flowers, of luscious and life-giving fruit. * * * * * The association to which I have referred is composed of about eighty pilgrims. On Saturday morning, the 25th, we left your quiet village, reaching Chicago the same evening. Tuesday morning found us on our way to New York, where we arrived early this morning. We shall sail on Saturday, April 2, for the Orient. In order to diminish our expenses, we forego the speed of the regular steam route, and have chartered the sailing vessel, the schooner 'Star of Bethlehem.' She is a new vessel, and a 'bright light' in her way. Well rigged, and ably manned, she is prepared for the buffeting of old ocean. Her captain is the distinguished and experienced Hardstudy, with whom, I am sure, you have some acquaintance. He is a true gentleman, and, I am told, has been an intimate companion of several Oriental travelers. He accompanied Dr. Robinson on both his tours. The 'Star,' built expressly for excursions to the Mediterranean waters, is a stout boat, and is provided with the modern conveniences and luxuries of travel. She is about 150 tons burden. I spent an hour on board of her this afternoon, and am much gratified with the neatness and elegance displayed in all her departments. The library and reading-room is a little palace. It contains about 1,500 volumes, chiefly of Eastern travel, which, together with a number of good maps and paintings, will afford us every opportunity to prepare for the interesting tour we are about making. All thus far are well. Remember us in our wanderings, and send us copies of your paper, directing to the 'care of the United States Consul at Alexandria.' Prepay to New York, and send 'Via Liverpool and Beyrout.'"
The next letter gives an account of the various pilgrimages which have been made to Palestine from the days of Abraham down to the present.
"Off Sandy Hook, 3.30 p. m.," our correspondent wrote. "The wide ocean is before us. We have passed the Battery, Brooklyn, Staten Island, the ruins of old quarantine and the forts,—feeble protection in cases of invasion,—and yonder to the east is Sandy Hook. The bell of the tug rings. In five minutes our friends who accompany us down will return to the city, and we shall be alone upon the wide, wide sea. The waters appear quiet; a faint west wind is rising; all the children are in good spirits. If they are as bright to-morrow it will be strange. Farewell, native land! Farewell!"
The third letter opened with a quotation from Browning:
"'In the dimmest northeast distance
Dawned Gibraltar, grand and gray.'

"Schooner Star of Bethlehem,
"Harbor of Gibraltar, May 4, '59.
"Dear Independent: Thirty-two days ago we left the port of New York, and day before yesterday glided through the Straits of Gibraltar, casting anchor in this harbor. Our voyage was short and agreeable, all that could be desired, with the exception of the sea-sickness that prevailed among us for the first four or five days, and the alarm occasioned by the heavy gale of last week. For two days the storm raged so violently that our fears were much excited. On the evening of the 26th ult. the winds were lulled, the clouds broke away, and the rays of the setting sun hurried swiftly across the yet raging waves, to brighten their foaming crests with golden light, and bring hope to our hearts. Religious services were conducted each Sabbath by the chaplain, and our programme of study and reading was faithfully observed every day. All that we did, and all that we saw, cannot be reported in a single letter. Our young friends must themselves write about the wonders of the sea,—whales, dolphins, icebergs; sunset, sunrise, midnight; calms, storms, water-spouts; and all other sources of joy or terror in ocean life. Yesterday was spent in an excursion to the town of Gibraltar." * * * * *
After a description of Gibraltar, the writer says:
"The whole juvenile forces of our vessel have been invited to dine this afternoon with the officers of H. M. S. Manchester, in company with the British and American consuls of Gibraltar, and left an hour ago, under the charge of Captain Hardstudy, to comply with the gracious invitation, and I remain to prepare this letter for the morrow's steamer from Valetta to Liverpool. The sun is already sinking in the blue and gold waters of the Mediterranean. A fresh breeze has startled the sleeping waves into lively gambols, and our flag points eagerly westward and homeward. See our party of little travelers just off for the 'Manchester'! How their boats dance up and down over the water! 'Boom!' 'boom!' go the signal guns from the kind old ship! Now hear the thunderous volleys from the batteries on the huge mountain, proclaiming the hour of sunset!"
The letters which follow are from "Alexandria, Egypt, May 28"; from the "Steamer Rameses, River Nile, June 11"; from "Off Joppa, June 16"; from "Jerusalem, July 5"; from "Nablous, 'the City of Samaria,' July 12"; from "Beyrout, Syria, July 23"; and on Monday morning, July 25, our correspondent writes his farewell, as follows:
"Well, friend Independent, our travels are ended. We came on board the 'Star of Bethlehem' this morning. The steamer for Liverpool leaves this afternoon, and we shall send our letters ashore to be mailed. By the 30th of September we hope to be with you again. We have seen the earthly Canaan, with its degradation and defilement. Our minds turn toward the better Canaan. With Watts we sing:
"'Look up, our souls, pant toward the eternal hills;
Those heavens are fairer than they seem.
There pleasures all sincere glide on in crystal rills;
There not a dreg of guilt defiles,
No grief disturbs the stream
That Canaan knows,—no noxious thing,
No cursed soil, no tainted spring;
No roses grow on thorns, nor honey wears a sting.'"
Such devices as these help to inspire the young with an interest in sacred things. They may not yet be prepared to appreciate the night of prayer on the mountain, the agony of the Lord in Gethsemane, or the rapturous experiences of St. John on Patmos; but they may take delight in the land, its customs, its wonderful histories, read with gratification an account of journeys from Dan to Beersheba, with perils from robbers, and the pranks of native children, the lonely horseback ride from Jerusalem down to Jericho, the encampment by the "Fountain of robbers" north of Jerusalem, the loveliness of Nazareth, the beauty of the Sea of Galilee, and the glories of Lebanon and Hermon. Finding delight in these more human things, they may, incidentally, under the leadership of the divine Providence and Spirit, catch glimpses of his face who, by simile and word and spirit, sanctified the land from north to south and from Bashan to the sea.


During the fourteen years since this work was prepared great advancement has been gained in knowledge of the ancient Oriental world. In the light of recent researches it has become necessary to revise the entire book. The work has been done with care, every location has been reinvestigated, and the historical allusions have been compared with the latest and best authorities. In this revision the author has been materially aided by Prof. Robert W. Rogers of Madison, N. J., and Prof. Karl P. Harrington of Chapel Hill, N. C., to both of whom thanks are rendered. It is possible that some errors may yet remain, and if any appear to students who make use of this work, corrections or suggestions with regard to them will be gratefully received.
Jesse L. Hurlbut.



Ancient World, and the Descendants of Noah23
Apostolic History, Early112
Bible History, Chart of13
Conquest of Canaan50
Empire of David and Solomon68
Illustrations, List of11
Index to Descriptive Matter157
Index to Map of Old Testament World (Map on pp. 18, 19)      156
Index to Map of Palestine (Map on pp. 152, 153)   151
Isles of Greece and the Seven Churches132
Jerusalem, Ancient72
Jerusalem, Environs of82
Jerusalem, Modern77
Journeys of the Apostle Paul116
Journeys of the Patriarchs33
Kingdom of Saul64
Lands of the Sojourn and Wandering41
Life of Christ, The103
Measures of the Bible, The148
New Testament Palestine (Kingdom of Herod the Great)100
Old Testament World, The17
Oriental Empires, The Great91
Palestine Among the Twelve Tribes55
Palestine Before the Conquest36
Palestine, Lessons in the Geography of143
Palestine Under the Judges60
Physical Palestine28
Roman Empire, The97
Solomon's Empire, The Division of86
Tabernacle, The135
Table of Contents9
Temple, The138




 I. General Periods.
 II. Subdivisions.
 III. Persons and Rulers.
 IV. Events of Bible History.
 V. Battles of Bible History.
 VI. Events of Religious Progress.
 VII. The Books of the Bible.
 VIII. Great Oriental Empires.
 IX. Events of Secular History.

 II. Seas.
 III. Mountain Ranges.
 IV. Rivers.
 V. Lands.
    I. Lands of the Mountain System.
1. Armenia;
2. Media;
3. Persia.
   II. Lands of the Plain.
1. Assyria;
2. Elam;
3. Mesopotamia;
4. Chaldea;
5. Arabia.
  III. Lands of the Mediterranean.
1. Asia Minor;
2. Syria;
3. Phœnicia;
4. Palestine;
5. The Wilderness;
6. Egypt.

 I. The Japhetic Nations.
1. Gomer;
2. Magog;
3. Madai;
4. Javan;
5. Tubal;
6. Meshech;
7. Tiras.
 II. The Hamitic Races.
1. Cush;
2. Mizraim;
3. Phut;
4. Canaan.
 III. The Semitic Races.
1. Elam;
2. Asshur;
3. Arphaxad;
4. Lud;
5. Aram.

 I. Dimensions.
1. Canaan;
2. Palestine Proper;
3. The Land of Promise.
 II. Natural Divisions.
1. Maritime Plain;
2. Mountain Region;
3. Jordan Valley;
4. Eastern Table-Land.
 III. The Waters of Palestine.
1. The River Jordan;
2. The Three Lakes;
3. The Brooks.
 IV. The Mountains of Palestine.
1. West of the Jordan;
2. East of the Jordan.
 V. The Plains of Palestine.
1. Phœnicia;
2. Sharon;
3. Philistia;
4. Esdraelon;
5. Negeb;
6. Jordan;
7. Hauran.

 I. The Journeys of Abraham.
1. Ur to Haran;
2. Haran to Canaan;
3. Visit to Egypt;
4. Removal to Hebron;
5. Pursuit of the Elamites;
6. Settlement at Beersheba;
7. Offering of Isaac;
8. Burial of Sarah.
 II. The Journeys of Isaac. Homes:
1. Beer-lahai-roi;
2. Gerar;
3. Rehoboth;
4. Beersheba;
5. Hebron.
 III. The Journeys of Jacob.
1. Flight to Haran;
2. Return to Canaan;
3. Residence in Canaan;
4. Descent into Egypt;
5. Burial Procession.

 I. The Earliest Inhabitants.
1. The Rephaim;
2. The Zuzim;
3. The Emim;
4. The Horim;
5. The Avim;
6. The Anakim.
 II. The Tribes of the Patriarchal Era.
1. Zidonians;
2. Canaanites;
3. Philistines;
4. Hittites;
5. Girgashites;
6. Hivites;
7. Perizzites;
8. Jebusites;
9. Amorites.
 III. The Nations at the Time of the Conquest.
1. Amorites;
2. Moabites and Ammonites.
 IV. The Surrounding Nations.
1. Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Hamathites;
2. Ammonites;
3. Amalekites, Kenites, Edomites.

 I. The Land of Egypt.
1. Names;
2. Boundaries and Dimensions;
3. Divisions;
4. The Nile;
5. The People;
6. History;
7. Principal Places.
 II. The Wilderness of the Wandering.
1. Situation;
2. Natural Features;
3. Inhabitants.
 III. The Land of Edom.
1. Boundaries;
2. Names;
3. Natural Features;
4. History;
5. Peculiarities.
 IV. The Wandering in the Wilderness.
1. Rameses to the Red Sea;
2. Red Sea to Mt. Sinai;
3. Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-barnea;
4, 5, 6. Kadesh-barnea to Mt. Hor, Ezion-geber, and Return;
7, 8. Kadesh-barnea to Elath and Jordan; Table of Stations.

 I. Conquest of Eastern Palestine.
1. Gilead;
2. Bashan;
3. Midian.
 II. Conquest of Western Palestine.
1. Central;
2. Southern;
3. Northern.
 III. Supplementary Conquests.
1. Judah and Simeon;
2. Caleb and Othniel;
3. Dan.

 I. Reuben.
 II. Gad.
 III. Manasseh—East.
 IV. Simeon.
 V. Judah.
 VI. Benjamin.
 VII. Dan.
 VIII. Ephraim.
 IX. Manasseh—West.
 X. Issachar.
 XI. Asher.
 XII. Zebulon.
 XIII. Naphtali.

 I. Supplementary to the Conquest.
1. Judah and Simeon;
2. Danite Migration;
3. Civil War.
 II. Oppressions and Judges.
1. Mesopotamian (south)
2. Moabite (central)
3. Early Philistine (south)
4. Canaanite (north);
5. Midianite (central and north)
6. Ammonite (east)
7. Philistine (south and central).
 III. Battles of the Period.

 I. Saul's Appointment as King.
 II. The Wars of Saul.
 III. Saul's Pursuit of David.
 IV. Saul's Death.

 I. David's Reign over Judah.
 II. The Union of Palestine.
 III. David's Foreign Conquests.
 IV. The Calamities of David's Reign.
 V. The Close of David's Reign.
 VI. The Reign of Solomon.

 I. Names.
 II. Location.
 III. Geologic Formation.
 IV. Valleys.
 V. Mountains.
 VI. Walls.
 VII. History.

 I. Location.
 II. Walls.
 III. Gates.
 IV. Quarters.
 V. Fountains and Pools.
 VI. Outside the Walls.

82, 85[x]
 I. Northern Road.
1. Mizpeh;
2. Nob;
3. Gibeah;
4. Anathoth;
5. Ramah;
6. Michmash;
7. Ai;
8. Beeroth;
9. Bethel;
10. Rimmon;
11. Ephraim.
 II. Eastern Road.
1. Bethany;
2. Steep Descent;
3. Jericho.
 III. Southern Road.
1. Plain of the Rephaim;
2. Rachel's Tomb;
3. Bethlehem;
4. Valley of Elah;
5. Hebron;
6. Jeshimon.
 IV. Southwestern Road. "Jerusalem to Gaza."
 V. Western Road.
1. Emmaus;
2. Kirjath-jearim.
 VI. Northwestern Road.
1. Ramah;
2. Gibeon;
3. Beth-horon.

 I. Kingdoms:
1. Syria;
2. Israel;
3. Judah;
4. Moab;
5. Edom.
 II. Periods:
1. Period of Division;
2. Syrian Period;
3. Restoration of Israel;
4. Fall of Israel;
5. Fall of Judah.
 III. Battles of the Period.

91-96, 99
 I. The Early Chaldean Empire.
 II. The Assyrian Empire.
 III. The Babylonian Empire.
 IV. The Persian Empire.
 The Division of Alexander's Empire, B.C. 250.
1. Persian Supremacy;
2. Macedonian Supremacy;
3. Egyptian Supremacy;
4. Syrian Supremacy;
5. Maccabean Independence;
6. Roman Supremacy.

 I. European Provinces.
 II. Insular Provinces.
 III. Asiatic Provinces.
 IV. African Provinces.

 I. The Provinces of Palestine.
1. Judea;
2. Samaria;
3. Galilee;
4. Peræa;
5. Decapolis.
 II. The Political History of Palestine, B.C. 4-A.D. 70.
1. Kingdom of Herod the Great;
2. Tetrarchy;
3. Kingdom of Herod Agrippa;
4. The Two Provinces.

 I. Period of Preparation.
1. Presentation in the Temple;
2. Flight into Egypt;
3. Settlement at Nazareth;
4. Visit to the Temple.
 II. Period of Inauguration.
1. Baptism;
2. Temptation;
3. Marriage at Cana;
4. First Passover;
5. Return to Galilee.
 III. Period of Early Galilean Ministry.
1. Opening of the Ministry;
2. Tour in Eastern Galilee;
3. Second Passover;
4. Sermon on the Mount.
 IV. Period of Later Galilean Ministry.
1. Tour in Southern Galilee;
2. Gadarene Voyage;
3. Tour in Central Galilee;
4. Retirement to Bethsaida.
 V. Period of Retirement.
1. Journey to Phœnicia;
2. Journey to Decapolis;
3. Journey to Cæsarea Philippi
4. Last Return to Capernaum.
 VI. Period of Judæan Ministry.
1. Galilee to Jerusalem;
2. Jerusalem to Bethabara.
 VII. Period of Peræan Ministry.
1. Bethabara to Bethany;
2. Retirement to Ephraim;
3. Journey in Peræa;
4. Jericho to Bethany.
 VIII. Period of the Passion.
1, 2, 3. Bethany to Temple and Return;
4. Bethany to Supper;
5. Supper to Gethsemane;
6. Gethsemane to House of Caiaphas;
7. Caiaphas to Pilate;
8. Pilate to Herod and Return;
9. Pilate to Calvary.
 IX. Period of the Resurrection—The Ten Appearances of Christ:
1. At Jerusalem;
2. At Jerusalem;
3. Near Emmaus;
4. At Jerusalem;
5. At Jerusalem;
6. At Jerusalem;
7. Near the Sea of Galilee;
8. On a Mountain in Galilee;
9. At Jerusalem;
10. Near Bethany.

 I. Philip's Journey.
 II. Saul's Journey.
 III. Peter's Journey.
 IV. Barnabas' Journey.
 V. Barnabas and Saul's Journey.

 I. The Provinces of Asia Minor.
1. On the Black Sea;
2. On the Ægean Sea;
3. On the Mediterranean;
4. In the Interior.
 II. The First Missionary Journey.
1. Antioch in Syria;
2. Seleucia;
3. Island of Cyprus;
4. Salamis;
5. Paphos;
6. Perga;
7. Antioch in Pisidia;
8. Iconium;
9. Lystra;
10. Derbe;
11. Return, and Attalia.
 III. The Second Missionary Journey.
    I. Asiatic Stations.
1. Syria;
2. Cilicia;
3. Derbe;
4. Lystra;
5. Phrygia;
6. Galatia;
7. Troas.
   II. European Stations.
1. Philippi;
2. Amphipolis;
3. Apollonia;
4. Thessalonica;
5. Berea;
6. Athens;
7. Corinth;
8. Cenchrea.
  III. Stations of the Return Journey.
1. Ephesus;
2. Cæsarea;
3. Jerusalem;
4. Antioch.
 IV. The Third Missionary Journey.
    I. Outward Journey.
1. Antioch;
2. Galatia;
3. Phrygia;
4. Ephesus;
5. Troas;
6. Macedonia;
7. Greece.
   II. Return Journey.
1. Philippi;
2. Troas;
3. Assos;
4. Mitylene;
5. Chios;
6. Samos;
7. Trogyllium;
8. Miletus;
9. Coos;
10. Rhodes;
11. Patara;
12. Tyre;
13. Ptolemais;
14. Cæsarea;
15. Jerusalem.
 V. The Voyage to Rome.
1. Jerusalem;
2. Antipatris;
3. Cæsarea;
4. Zidon;
5. Myra;
6. Crete;
7. Melita;
8. Syracuse;
9. Rhegium;
10. Puteoli;
11. Appii Forum;
12. Rome.
 VI. The Last Journeys of Paul.
1. Colosse, Ephesus;
2. Macedonia;
3. Crete;
4. Nicopolis;
5. Troas;
6. Ephesus;
7. Rome.

 I. Patmos.
 II. Asia.
 III. The Seven Churches of Asia.
1. Ephesus;
2. Smyrna;
3. Pergamos;
4. Thyatira;
5. Sardis;
6. Philadelphia;
7. Laodicea.

 I. Origin.
 II. History.
 III. Departments of the Tabernacle.
1. The Court;
2. The Altar;
3. The Laver;
4. The Tent;
5. The Holy Place;
6. The Holy of Holies.

 I. Court of the Gentiles.
 II. Sacred Enclosure.
 III. Court of the Women.
 IV. Court of Israel.
 V. Court of the Priests.
 VI. The House of God.

 I. Lines and Waters.
 II. Names and Distances.
 III. Natural Divisions.
1. Sea-Coast Plain;
2. Mountain Region;
3. Jordan Valley;
4. Eastern Table-Land.
 IV. Mountains.
 V. Places.
1. In the Sea-Coast Plain;
2. In the Mountain Region;
3. In the Jordan Valley;
4. In the Eastern Table-Land.
 VI. Provinces.
1. Judæa;
2. Samaria;
3. Galilee;
4. Peræa;
5. Bashan.

 I. Smaller Measures of Length.
 II. Larger Measures of Length.
 III. Dry Measures of Capacity.
 IV. Liquid Measures of Capacity.
 V. Measures of Weight.
 VI. Measures of Value.



157, 158



Alexander's Empire, Division of94
Ancient Jerusalem in New Testament Period72
Ancient World, and Descendants of Noah24
Assyrian Empire92
Babylonian Empire and its Surroundings92
Beth-horon and Vicinity50
Conquest of Canaan50
Corinth and Vicinity123
Damascus and Vicinity114
Division of Solomon's Empire86
Early Apostolic History112
Empire of Chedorlaomer34
Empire of David and Solomon68
Environs of Jerusalem82
Island of Cyprus119
Isles of Greece and the Seven Churches132
Isle of Patmos134
Journeys of the Patriarchs36
Kadesh-barnea and Vicinity48
Kingdom of Egypt at its greatest extent under Rameses II42
Kingdom of Herod the Great100
Kingdom of Saul64
Lands of the Sojourn and Wandering44
Modern Jerusalem81
Modern Palestine152, 153
Modern World and Bible Landsfacing title.
Mount Sinai, Vicinity of44
Natural Features of Jerusalem75
Nineveh and Vicinity96
Old Testament World18, 19
Oriental World in the Time of David70
Outline Map for Review26
Outline Maps (Geography of Palestine)143-146
Palestine among the Tribes58
Palestine as Promised and Possessed53
Palestine before the Conquest36
Palestine during the Ministry of Jesus102
Palestine under the Judges60
Palestine under the Maccabees, B.C. 10096
Paul's First Missionary Journey116
Paul's Second Missionary Journey120
Paul's Third Missionary Journey124
Paul's Voyage to Rome126
Paul's Last Journeys130
Period of Preparation.            (Life of Christ)104
Period of Inauguration."104
Period of Early Galilean Ministry."106
Period of Later Galilean Ministry."107
Period of Retirement."107
Period of Judæan Ministry."108
Period of Peræan Ministry."109
Period of the Passion."109
Persian Empire94
Peter's Journey112
Philip's Journey112
Physical Palestine28
Plain of Esdraelon60
Restoration of Israel, B.C. 80089
Roman Empire in New Testament Period98
Saul's Last Battle64
Saul of Tarsus' and Barnabas' Journeys112
St. Paul's Bay, Malta, enlarged128
Syrian Period, B.C. 884-84088
The Two Provinces, A.D. 44-70102

Ancient Coins149, 150
Antioch in Syria117
Arches under Temple Area147
Areopagus at Athens121
Assyrian Palace91
Bashan, View in the Eastern Table-Land55
Bible Measures148, 149
Birs Nimroud (supposed Tower of Babel)23
Black Obelisk93
Brazen Altar137
Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee101
Church of the Ascension54
Church of the Holy Sepulchre16
Church of Nativity, Bethlehem71
Colosseum at Rome97
David's Tomb73
Defile between Jerusalem and Jericho83
Dome of the Rock (Site of the Temple)139
Egyptian Temple41
Entry of Pilgrims into Bethlehemxii
Garden of Gethsemane49
Grotto of Jeremiah99
Jericho and the Jordan37
Jews' Wailing Place at Jerusalem27
Laodicea from Hierapolis133
Moabite Stone88
Modern Jerusalem, Panorama and Description of78, 79
Mosque El Aska90
Mount Ararat20
Mount Tabor61
Mount Zion115
Mugheir (supposed to be Ur of the Chaldees)33
Pool of Siloam103
Râs es Sufsafeh (Mount Sinai)43
River Jordan30
Round about Jerusalem59
Solomon's Pools84
Tower of David69
Table of Shew Bread136
Via Dolorosa111

Bible History14, 15
Chronological Chart of Kings of Israel and Judah87
Paul's First Journey, Review119
Table of Nations, Review27

Age of the Patriarchs, before and after the Deluge34
Areas of Asia Minor and Texas, U.S.118
Area of Egypt42
Areas of Palestine and New England29
Area of Palestine at Different Periods70
Areas of Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian Empires93
Height of Bible Mountains17
Height of Mountains in Palestine32
Population of the Twelve Tribes at Entrance into Canaan57
Size of the Territory of the Tribes56
United States and Old Testament World17

Antioch, Ancient114
Athens, Ancient122
Camp of Israel47
Ephesus and Vicinity125
Rome, Ancient129
Sacred Enclosure (Herod's Temple)141
Section of Palestine, North to South31
Section of Palestine, East to West31
Section Through the Middle of Temple, East to West140
Solomon's Temple71
Temple in the Time of Christ (Herod's)138
Crowd of people entering Bethlehem ENTRY OF PILGRIMS INTO BETHLEHEM.



The Geography and the History of the Bible are so closely united that neither subject can be studied to advantage without the other. We therefore present at the opening of our work the Chart of Bible History, upon which the leading events of Bible History and those of the ancient world in general are arranged in parallel columns. The blue lines extending across the page represent the centuries before Christ, each space between them being 100 years. Until recently the common chronology found in all reference Bibles and Biblical works, was that prepared by Archbishop Ussher, who died in 1656, long before the present sources of information from "the monuments" had been discovered. His chronology has not been regarded as trustworthy by scholars for thirty years past; but until recently it has been retained because students of Biblical and Ancient History were not agreed as to the dates which should be given in place of it. But there is now a substantial, though not complete agreement among scholars; and we therefore discard the Ussherian system, and adopt that obtained from the information given in the inscriptions of Assyria, Babylonia, and Egypt, when compared with statements in the Bible.
We begin at the date 2500 B.C. as the events of Bible History earlier than 2500 B.C. cannot be fixed with any certainty. And it must be admitted that none of the dates earlier than 1000 B.C. can be regarded as established.
I. General Periods. In the first column we note the five great periods of Bible History. These are the natural divisions of the events contained in the Bible story.
1. The Period of the Early Races, from the Deluge, at a date unknown, to the Call of Abraham, B.C. 2280. Before the Call of Abraham, the history in the book of Genesis is introductory.
2. The Period of the Chosen Family, from the Call of Abraham, B.C. 2280, to the Exodus from Egypt, about 1250 B.C.
3. The Period of the Israelite People, from the Exodus, 1250 B.C., to the Coronation of Saul, about 1050 B.C.
4. The Period of the Israelite Kingdom, from the Coronation of Saul, 1050 B.C., to the Captivity in Babylon, B.C. 587.
5. The Period of the Jewish Province, from the Captivity in Babylon, 587 B.C., to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, A.D. 70.
II. In the second column the larger periods are broken up into Subdivisions. 1. In the Period of the Early Races the line of division is made at the Dispersion of the Races, to which no date is assigned. 2. The Period of the Chosen Family is subdivided at the Descent into Egypt by Jacob and his family, about 2060 B.C. 3. The Period of the Israelitish People has three subdivisions. (1.) The Wandering in the Wilderness, from the Exodus, B.C. 1250, to the Entrance into Canaan, B.C. 1210. (2.) The Settlement, extending to the Mesopotamian Oppression, B.C. 1180. (3.) The Rule of the Judges, to the Coronation of Saul, B.C. 1050. 4. The Period of the Israelitish Kingdom naturally divides itself into three sections. (1.) Unity, to the Division of the Kingdom, B.C. 935. (2.) Division, to the Captivity of the Ten Tribes, B.C. 721. (3.) Decay, the stage of the kingdom of Judah alone, from B.C. 721 to 587, the Babylonian Captivity. 5. The Period of the Jewish Province has five subdivisions. (1.) Chaldean Rule, to the Return from Captivity, B.C. 536. (2.) Persian Rule, to the Conquest by Alexander the Great, B.C. 330. (3.) Greek Rule, under the kingdoms of Alexander's successors to the Revolt of Mattathias, B.C. 168. (4.) Jewish Independence, to the Annexation of Judæa to the Roman Empire, A.D. 6. (5.) Roman Rule, to the final Destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 70.
III. Next, we notice the prominent Persons and Rulers in Sacred History. The perpendicular lines opposite the names of the patriarchs indicate the duration of their lives, according to the common chronology. Only the most important of the Judges are named, and with each is given his number in the order of the list. The crowns show the kings, and the years show the period of their reigns. The chronology during the age of the Judges is very uncertain, and the dates are only conjectural.
IV. The Events of Bible History, given in the fourth column, are too numerous to be recapitulated. The student should divide them according to the Subdivisions of the Periods, already given.
V. The History of Egypt occupies the fifth column. The opinions of scholars are greatly at variance with regard to the dates of the first eighteen dynasties, some of them differing by a thousand years. The ancient history of Egypt is divided into three sections. (1.) The Old Kingdom, founded by Menes perhaps 4700 B.C., and governed by ten dynasties in succession. (2.) The Middle Kingdom, from about 2900 B.C. to 1570 B.C., Dynasties XI. to XVII. (3.) The New Kingdom, from 1570 B.C. to 525 B.C., Dynasties XVII. to XXVII. Egypt was part of the Persian Empire from 525 to 332 B.C. After 323 B.C. it was governed by a line of Greek kings, who bore the name of Ptolemy, until 30 B.C., when it became a Roman province.
VI. The Kingdoms of the East, Babylonia and Assyria, appear on the sixth column; beginning with a number of states in Babylonia; becoming an empire under Hammurabi about 2280 B.C.; by turns strong and weak until about 1100 B.C., when the Assyrian empire arose, overpowering Babylon. The Assyrian Empire lasted until 625 B.C., when Babylon again arose to power, though the Chaldean Empire did not begin until 606 B.C. In 536 B.C. it fell before the Persian conquerors, and the whole world of the Bible was under Persian control until 330 B.C., when Alexander the Great won it. No world-empire arose after the death of Alexander, until the Roman period.[14]
impossible to read chart Chart of Bible History
Transcriber's Note: As the color version of the Chart is mostly unreadable, black and white copies have been included below. If a line of text or paragraph is cut off, then it will appear on the following page in its entirety.
2500 I.
  [All the dates in this column are uncertain above 1000 B.C., and are given tentatively. The dates are not sufficient for a complete and sure chronology].
4700(?)—Egypt founded by Menes. Old Kingdom (Dynasties I.-X.). Memphis earliest capital.

3500(?)—Pyramids built (Dynasty IV.).

2900(?)—Middle kingdom begins (Dynasties XI.-XVII.)

4500 B.C.—Kingdoms existing in Babylonia.
4000(?)—City of Babylon founded.
3900(?)—Rise of Ur to power.

3000—Nineveh in existence.
  Dates earlier than 700 B.C. traditional and uncertain.

2850--China founded by Fu-hi.
2400 I.








2454(?)—First dynasty of kings begins to reign at Babylon with Su-mu-abi.
Eleven kings reigning 2454 to 2151(?).

to the Call of

c. 2280



c. 2355 Abraham.
During the middle kingdom, 2900-1570 B.C. Thebes was capital until about 2000 B.C. The dates are very uncertain, but between 2500 and 2000 B.C. the kingdom declined. 12th Dynasty 2500-2300.    

2357—Lao reigning in China.
  2280 B. C. c. 2280  
c. 2280(?)—Call and migration of Abraham.


c. 2256 Isaac.

c. 2270(?)—Abraham's Victory over the Five Kings. [Gen. 14]

c. 2232(?)—The Offering of Isaac on Mount Moriah.

(Amraphel(?)) 2280 B.C. (Gen. 14), sixth king of the first dynasty reigning at Babylon. He conquered many states, established a code of laws, and may be regarded as founder of the early Babylonian Empire.
  2205—Chinese history begins. 2200
2100 II. OF THE

c. 2195 Jacob.
c. 2180

c. 2103 Joseph.
c. 2180(?) Death of Abraham.

c. 2120(?)—Jacob's Vision and Journey to Padan-aram.
c. 2103(?)—Jacob's Return to Canaan.
  2150(?)—Second dynasty of kings at Babylon begins with An-ma-an. (According to records, not certain, it lasted until 1783 B.C.)     2100
  PERIOD c. 2060 B. C. c. 2075. c. 2084(?)—Joseph Sold into Egypt.
c. 2073(?)—Joseph Ruler in Egypt.
c. 2060 B.C. c. 2060(?)—Jacob and his Family go down to Egypt; Beginning of the Sojourn of the Israelites.
About 2000 B.C. Lower Egypt fell under the power of invaders from the desert, who were called Hyksos, or Shepherd Kings. Their capital was Tanis, or Zoan. Very little is known of their history, and their names cannot be given        

c. 2045.

c. 2045(?)—Death of Jacob in Egypt.
with certainty, as their memory was hated by the rulers that followed them, and their inscriptions may have been obliterated. They ruled Egypt until about 1570 B.C.(?), though the dates both of their conquest and their departure are uncertain. 2000—Ishkibal, fourth king of second dynasty, reigning at Babylon. EARLY
2000—Aryan migration to India(?). 2000

c. 1993.
1993(?)—Death of Joseph in Egypt    The Israelites remain in the Land of Goshen, between Egypt and the Wilderness, from about 2062 to 1250 B.C. [dates very very uncertain]. During most of this period the Hyksos or Shepherd-Kings, friendly to the Israelites, were ruling in Egypt.

1500—The Israelites still in Egypt.
About 1570 the war of liberation from the Hyksos began under Dynasty XVIII., and the New Kingdom opened.
1570-1320(?)—Dynasty XVIII. reigning (Amosis, Amenophis, Queen Hatasu, Thutmosis (Thotmes) III., Amenophis II., Amenophis III., Amenophis IV.). A period of conquest. Egyptian invasion of Syria about 1490(?) (Thutmosis III.). Battle of Esdraelon in Canaan. Tell-el-Amarna letters written in reigns of Amenophis III. and IV.

1800—An Assyrian Kingdom in existence, but subject to Babylon. Asshur, or its capital.
1782—Third dynasty of kings of Babylon, beginning with Gandish, reigning 1782-1767. This dynasty, known as Kassites, came from Elam, conquered Babylonia, and held rule until 1207. Not much is known of Babylonian history during this period; but the kingdom was declining.

1500-1207—Kassite dynasty still reigning at Babylon.
  1920—Gold and silver first mentioned as money.

1556—Athens founded. (traditional.)
1546—Traditional founding of Troy.
1507—Court of Areopagus founded at Athens.
1500—Thebes founded. Greek alphabet introduced by Cadmus.
c. 1500—Hittite migration to southern Asia Minor.



1430—Assur-nadin-akhi. King of Assyria. (From this reign, regular lists of Assyrian kings; and their kingdom grows in power.)
1400—Rise of Hittite Kingdom in Asia Minor.



c. 1330 Moses.

About 1330(?) begins the Oppression of the Israelites under Dynasty XIX. in Egypt. About the same time 1330 (?) Moses was born. All the dates of this period are uncertain.

1359(?)—Dynasty XIX. begins. Seti I. powerful ruler and conqueror. Rameses II., "Pharaoh of the Oppression" (?). Merenepthah, "Pharaoh of the Exodus" (?). Decline of Egyptian power. Rameses III., date unknown.
1300(?)—Shalmaneser I., King of Assyria, begins conquests. Calah becomes capital.
  1250 B. C. 1250 c. 1260 Joshua.

1250(?)—The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. End of the
1290(?)—Tukulti-ninib, King of Assyria, conquers Babylon; but it soon regains its independence. Babylonian Kingdom declining in power.
c. 1210
Sojourn; Beginning of the History of Israel as a People. Death of Moses.
1207-1075—Dynasty of Isin in Babylon;
1235—Theseus, King of Athens.
1233—Carthage founded.
1210(?)—The Israelites enter the Land of Canaan, and begin the Conquest of Canaan. Battle of Beth-horon, 1210(?).
wars between Assyria and Babylonia; continued decline of Babylonia and rise of Assyria.
    1180 c. 1180
1180(?)—Death of Joshua.
1193—Trojan war begins.


c. p1170. Othniel, Judge.

c. 1130. Gideon, Judge.
1170(?)—Age of the Judges in Israel begins.

1130—Gideon ruling in Israel.
1120-1090—Tiglath-pileser I., the first great king of Assyria,
1120 B. C.
1122—Chow dynasty reigning in China.
c. 1100. Jephthah, Judge.
conqueror over many lands. THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE begins.
  1050 B. C. 1050
c. 1080—Samuel, Judge.

c. 1050. Saul, King.
1080—Samuel, the last of the Judges.

1050—Coronation of Saul, King of Israel.
1089(?)—Dynasty XXI. begins; a line of kings of foreign race who obtained control in Egypt.
1070—Codrus; last king of Athens.
1000 IV. UNITY c. 1010 David

1010—David King over Judah.
1003—David King over Israel.
1015—Minos gives laws in Crete.
    935 970. Solomon, King.

935. Jeroboam.935. Rehoboam.

990—David conquers Syria, Moab, and Edom.
970—Solomon, King of Israel, Syria, Moab, and Edom.

935—Division of the Kingdom. Jeroboam, King of Ten Tribes (Israel). Rehoboam, King of Judah.
900 PERIOD      
925—Shishak, King of Egypt, invades Judah, and takes many cities.
900(?)—Zerah, the Ethiopian (Osorkon II.), invades Egypt.
875. Ahab (Isr.)
870. Jehoshaphat. (Jud.)

842. Jehu (Isr.)

842. Athaliah, usurper. (Jud.)
836. Jehoash.
875—Worship of Baal Introduced into Israel by Jezebel.
870—Elijah the Prophet.

842—Jehu King of Judah. Athaliah usurper in Judah.
836—Revolution in Judah under Jehoiada, the Priest.
885-860—Assur-nazir-pal, King of Assyria.

854—Victory of Shalmaneser over Syrians and Israelites (under King Ahab) at Karkar.
842—Jehu, King of Israel, pays tribute to Shalmaneser.
886—Homeric Poems brought into Greece.

850—Lycurgus, lawgiver of Sparta.
799. Joash. (Isr.)
783. Jeroboam II. (Isr.)

741. Menahem. (Isr.)

730. Hoshea. (Isr.)
783. Uzziah. (Jud.)

735. Ahaz. (Jud.)
799—Joash, King of Israel.
783—Jeroboam II., King of Israel. Israelite power; Prophet Amos.

769—Uzziah, King of Israel; Age of Prosperity.
748—Prophet Hosea in Israel.
738—Prophet Isaiah begins his Ministry. Jotham, King of Judah.
730. Hoshea. (Isr.)
725—Hoshea, King of Israel, in Alliance with So (or Sabakon), King of Egypt.

45-727—Tiglath-pileser III., King of Assyria; great conqueror; receives tribute from Menahem, King of Israel. 732—Damascus taken.

827-722—Shalmaneser IV., King. 725—Siege of Samaria begun.
886—Homeric Poems brought into Greece.

753—Traditional founding of Rome by Romulus.
750—Syracuse in Sicily founded by Corinthians.
700     719. Hezekiah. (Jud.)
721—Fall of Samaria. Israel carried captive by Sargon II. of Assyria.
701—Sennacherib's invasion of Judah.
701—Defeat of Tirkahah by Sennacherib, King of Assyria.

704-687—Sennacherib, King. Nineveh made capital.
708—Median Kingdom begins under Deioces.
  KINGDOM DECAY 690. Manasseh. (Jud.)

639. Josiah. (Jud.)

647—Manasseh a captive at Babylon; but released later.

628—Prophet Jeremiah begins Ministry.
674—Invasion of Egypt by Esar-haddon, King of Assyria.
665—Destruction of Thebes by the Assyrians.
680-668—Esar-haddon, King. 674—Egypt invaded by Assyrians. Empire of Assyria at its culmination.
668-626—Assur-bani-pal, King. Decline of Assyrian Empire begins.
626 B. C.
660—Japanese History begins with Jimmu Tenno whose descendants have reigned since without intermission.

608. Jehoiakim. (Jud.)

621—Josiah begins great reforms. Finding of the Book of the Law.
608—Death of Josiah in battle at Megiddo. Necho of Egypt invades Judah. Jehoiakim, King of Judah.
606—First visit of Nebuchadnezzar to Judah; first group of Captives to Babylon.
606—Necho, King of Egypt, defeated at Carchemish by Nebuchadnezzar.
625-604—Nabopolassar, King of Babylon, founder of Chaldean Empire.
609—FALL OF ASSYRIAN EMPIRE. Nineveh destroyed by the Medes.
608—Victory of Nebuchadnezzar, son of Nabopolassar, over Necho, King of Egypt, at Carchemish. CHALDEAN EMPIRE begins (606-536).
604-562—Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon.
658—Byzantium founded by Byzas. 640—Media independent of Assyria.
621—Laws of Draco in Athens.
  587 B. C. 587

597. Zedekiah.

598—Chaldeans invade Judah a second time.
592—Prophet Ezekiel in Chaldea.
586—Jerusalem taken and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.
585-573—Siege of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar.
593—Laws of Solon in Athens.
578—Money coined in Rome.
  PERIOD OF CHALDEAN RULE 536 936. Zerubbabel, Prince.
586—Fall of Jerusalem; end of Kingdom of Judah; Jews taken to Babylon

536—Decree of Cyrus, King of Persia,
567—Egypt invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, but not held.

562—Rapid decline of Chaldean power after death of Nebuchadnezzar.

558-536—Nabonidus, last king of Babylon. He associates his son Belshazzar in the government.
536 B. C.

560—Pisistratus usurps rule at Athens.
557—Buddha born in India.
550—Confucius born. Laocius and Mencius,
permitting return of Exiled Jews.
535—Rebuilding of Temple begun. 522—Discontinued.
520—Prophets Haggai and Zechariah.
515—Second Temple completed.
525—Egypt conquered by Persians under Cambyses and annexed to the Persian empire. From that time until 332 Egypt was under Persian rule.
553—Cyrus, the Persian, conquers the Medes. Beginning of Persian power.
536—Babylon taken by Cyrus. End of Chaldean Empire.
529-521—Cambyses, King of Persia. Egypt conquered.
521-486—Darius, King of Persia.
the other Chinese sages, lived in same century. 546—Cyrus overthrows empire of Crœsus.

510—Romans abolish royalty; Government by Consuls begins.
510—Africa first circumnavigated.
500—Pythagoras teaching in Greece.

PERSIAN 458. Ezra.

444. Nehemiah.

478—Esther's deliverance.

458—Ezra's visit to Jerusalem.

444—Nehemiah rebuilds the Wall of Jerusalem.
440—Separation of Samaritans from Jews.

400(?)—Malachi, last of Old Testament Prophets.
491—Darius, King of Persia, invades Greece. 490—Battle of Marathon. Greeks victorious over Persians.
486-466—Xerxes (Ahasuerus in book of Esther), King of Persia.
481—Expedition of Xerxes into Greece.
466-425—Artaxerxes Longimanus, King of Persia. Empire declining in power.
425—Xerxes II., King of Persia.
490—Battle of Lake Regillus in Italy.
490—Battle of Marathon in Greece.

418—Battle of Mantinea in Greece.
400—Retreat of the Ten Thousand in Persia.
  OF 330 B. C. 350. Jaddua, High Priest.

330. Onias, High Priest.

350—Jaddua, High Priest.

332—Visit of Alexander the Great to Judea.
330—Onias, High Priest.
332—Alexander the Great receives the submission of Egypt.
361—Artaxerxes (or Darius) Ochus, King of Persia.
336—Darius Codomannus, last king of Persia.
330—Persian Empire conquered by Alexander the Great (Battle of Arbela.)
330 B. C.
399—Death of Socrates.
300. Simon the Just, High Priest.
305—Jerusalem taken by Ptolemy Lagus, of Egypt. Judea subject to Egypt.
300. Simon the Just, High Priest.

328—Ptolemy Soter establishes the Greek kingdom of Egypt.
323—Alexander the Great dies at Babylon.
301—Alexander's empire divided among his four generals Ptolemy, Seleucus, Cassander, Lysimachus.


275(?)—Translation of the Old Testament into Greek begun (Septuagint.)
286—The Alexandrian library and Museum began by King Ptolemy II., Philadelphus.
247-225—Reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, ablest and most powerful of the Ptolemies.

205-182—Reign of Ptolemy V. Epiphanes.

264—First Punic war begun by Rome.

216—Battle of Cannae; overthrow of Hannibal.
211—Wall of China completed.

    168 B. C.
197—Palestine annexed to kingdom of Syria under Antiochus III.

168—Persecution of the Jews by Antiochus IV. (Epiphanes).
168—Revolt of Mattathias against Syrian rule.

187—Seleucus IV., Philopator, King of Syria.
175—Antiochus IV., Epiphanes, King of Syria.
166. Judas Maccabeus
166—Judas Maccabeus, Liberator and Ruler of Judea.

107—Aristobulus assumes title of King of Judea.
105—Rise of Sects, Pharisees and Sadducees.
165—The Roman senate intervenes in Egypt.
162—Demetrius I., Soter, King of Syria.

123—The Gracchi in Rome.

63. Antipater.

63—Jerusalem taken by Pompey; Romans intervene in Judea.
63—Antipater, Ruler, under Roman authority.

69—Syria and Armenia conquered by Romans.
60 B. C.


  43 B. C.
43. Herod, the Great.

43—Herod the Great made King by Roman Senate.

52-30—Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.
41—Assassination of Julius Caesar.
A. D.     458. Ezra.

444. Nehemiah.
4 B.C.—Jesus born at Bethlehem. 4 B.C.—Death of Herod.
30—Egypt becomes a Roman province.

27—Syria made an imperial province of Roman empire.
27—Augustus, Emperor of Roman World.

A. D.
26. Pontius Pilate, Procurator.
41. Herod Agrippa I. King of Judea.
52. Felix, Procurator.
60. Festus, Procurator.

26—Ministry of John the Baptist.
30—Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.
37—Conversion of St. Paul.
50—Council of Christian Church at Jerusalem.
68—Revolt of Jews against Roman Empire.
68—Martyrdom of St. Paul.
70—Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus.
14—Tiberius, Emperor.

41—Claudius, Emperor.

54—Nero, Emperor.

79—Titus, Emperor.
A. D.
100   RULE         100 A. D.   100
VII. The Oriental Empires are indicated upon the seventh column of the chart. While they follow in regular succession, there were brief periods of anarchy and confusion between them, which cannot be indicated. (1.) The Early Babylonian Empire, 2280-1120 B.C. Much of the time this was not an empire, but rather the leading state in the oriental world. (2.) The Assyrian Empire, 1120-626 B.C.; its capital at Nineveh on the Tigris River, its people fierce warriors, but not able rulers. (3.) The Chaldean Empire, 606-536 B.C., established by Nebuchadnezzar, and passing away soon after his death. (4.) The Persian Empire, 536-330, founded by Cyrus, and ruling over all the Old Testament lands. (5.) The Kingdoms (not empire) of Alexander's Successors, 330-60 B.C. The empire of Alexander the Great lasted only seven years (330-323), and was followed by war until 301, when the four generals of Alexander made a division of his conquests. (6.) The Roman Empire became dominant in the east about 60 B.C., and continued supreme until after the New Testament period.
VIII. The World in General. We arrange on the last column events showing the general progress of the world outside of the Bible lands. The student will note that Bible History antedates the annals of Greece and Rome by many centuries.



I. Extent. The Old Testament World embraces the seas and lands between 30° and 54° east longitude, or from the mouth of the Nile to that of the Persian Gulf; and between 27° and 40° north latitude, from the parallel south of Mount Sinai to that north of Mount Ararat. The total extent of territory is about 1,400 miles from east to west and 900 miles from north to south, aggregating 1,260,000 square miles. Deducting from this the space occupied by the Mediterranean Sea and other large bodies of water, the land will include about 1,110,000 square miles, or one-third the extent of the United States, excluding Alaska. Unlike the United States, however, nearly two-thirds of this extent is a vast desert, and uninhabitable, so that the portion actually occupied by man is less than an eighth of that included in the American Union.
map Approximate Scale, 909 miles to 1 inch. COMPARATIVE VIEW OF UNITED STATES AND OLD TESTAMENT WORLD.
II. Seas. This world of the Old Testament embraces several large bodies of water. 1. The Caspian Sea, the largest body of water surrounded by land on the globe, occupies its northeastern corner. 2. The Persian Gulf, the outlet of the great rivers of the Old Testament history, is in its southeastern border. 3. The two arms of the northern end of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Akaba, are on its southwestern side. 4. The Mediterranean Sea, "the great sea toward the going down of the sun" (Josh. 1:4), forms a part of its western boundary. These are its largest seas; but besides these may be named three others, all salt lakes, imbedded in its mountain system. 5. The Dead Sea, called in the Bible "Sea of the Plain," and "Salt Sea," lying 1,290 feet below the Mediterranean, and situated in the land of Palestine; 6. Lake Van, anciently Arsissa, in Armenia; and 7. Lake Urumiyeh, in Media. Neither of the last two are referred to in the Bible.
III. Mountain Ranges. The nucleus of the mountain system is found in the land of Armenia, on the north of the map. Here five great ranges of mountains have their origin. 1. The Ararat Mountains are lofty masses, lying between the Caspian Sea and Asia Minor. They are arranged in three sections, nearly parallel: Mount Masius, on the south; Mount Niphates, north of Lake Van; and Mount Abus, still farther north. One of the peaks of this latter section is the traditional resting place of the ark (Gen. 8:4), and is the summit of the group, 17,750 feet high. 2. The Caspian Mountains, branching from Ararat, bend around the southern end of the Caspian Sea and extend eastward, forming the northern boundary of Media. 3. The Zagros Mountains also start from Ararat, and follow a direction generally southeast, to the northern shore of the Persian Gulf. They form the eastern watershed of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. 4. The Lebanon Range starts from the western side of the Ararat group, and follows the Mediterranean coast through Syria and Palestine, then down the Sinaitic peninsula. Its general direction is west of south. In Syria and Palestine it is divided into two parallel branches, Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, the latter on the east. Its highest peak is Mount Hermon, about 9,000 feet above the sea. South of Palestine it forms the remarkable Sinaitic group of mountains, upon one of which the Law was given. 5. The last range is Mount Taurus, which also branches from Ararat, in a westerly direction, and forms the southern coast line of Asia Minor.
IV. Rivers. Passing by many unimportant streams, we notice the following, the largest of which have their[20] rise in the mountain system of Armenia. 1. The Araxes, not named in the Bible, but important as a boundary, rises in the northern section of the Ararat Range, and flows, in a general direction, eastward into the Caspian Sea. 2. The Tigris, called in the Bible Hiddekel, rises in Mount Niphates, of the Ararat Range, and flows in a southeasterly direction, following the line of Mount Zagros, unites with the Euphrates, and thence flows into the Persian Gulf. Its length to the union with the Euphrates is 1,146 miles; beyond the union to the gulf, at present, 100 miles, though anciently much less; and at a time within the limits of history the two rivers discharged by separate mouths. Their united stream is now called the Shaat el Arab. 3. The Euphrates, or the Frat (a word meaning "abounding"), is the great river of the Bible world. It has two important sources, both in Armenia: one at a place called Domli; the other, the more distant and true source, at Diyadin, at the foot of a mountain called Ala Tagh, 20 miles west of Mount Ararat. It flows westward 400 miles, then southward about as far, then in a southeasterly direction 1,000 miles, uniting at last with the Tigris to form the Shaat el Arab. It is navigable for 1,100 miles, and has in all ages formed the principal means of travel between Eastern and Western Asia. At Babylon, it is nearly a mile in width, though for 800 miles it does not receive a single tributary, as it flows through a desert. It overflows its banks every year, rising as high as twelve feet. 4. The Orontes rises in Mount Lebanon, and flows northward parallel with the Mediterranean until, just before reaching Asia Minor, it breaks through the mountains and empties into the sea. 5. The Jordan, least yet most important of all, flows southward from the foot of Mount Hermon into the Dead Sea. It will be described in connection with the Physical Map of Palestine. 6. The Nile, the great river of Africa, rises in the centre of the continent and flows northward into the Mediterranean Sea, turning the desert through which it passes into a garden.
V. The Lands. These are not easy to determine since their boundaries and names varied at different periods of the history. Yet their locations may be given, and their natural limits are generally known. They may be classified as follows: 1. Lands of the Mountain System, all north and east of the Zagros chain of mountains: Armenia, Media, and Persia. 2. Lands of the Plain: Assyria, Elam, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Arabia. 3. Lands of the Mediterranean: Asia Minor, Syria, Phœnicia, Palestine, The Wilderness, Egypt.


1. Armenia is a name nowhere used in the original Scriptures, but in our version is a translation of the word "Ararat," which word properly appears in place of "Armenia" in the Revised Version. The province embraces the lofty plateau and mountain group between the Caspian and Black Seas, and north of Mesopotamia and Assyria, the source of four great rivers, the Araxes, Tigris, Euphrates, and Acampsis, the latter pouring into the Black Sea. Its boundaries are: upon the north, the Caucasus Mountains; on the east, Media and the Caspian Sea; on the south, Media, from which it is separated by the Araxes, and Assyria, from which it is divided by Mount Masius; and on the west, the Euphrates, separating it from Asia Minor. Tradition states that it was settled by Haïk, a grandson of Japhet; and the earliest history names it as tributary to Assyria. Excepting the resting of Noah's ark upon one of its mountains, few events of Scripture are associated with it.
2. Media is in the original the same word as Madai, the son of Japhet. (Gen. 10:2.) Its boundaries are the river Araxes and the Caspian Sea on the north, the great salt desert of Iram on the east, Persia on the south, and the Zagros Mountains, separating it from Assyria and Armenia. A branch of the Zagros Mountains, running eastward, divides it into two portions, anciently known as Media Atropatene (the one northward) and Media Magna. In each of these provinces the principal city was called Ecbatana. The Medes were of the Aryan or Japhetic stock, and were always a warlike and independent people. Though conquered by Assyria, their land was never formally annexed to the Assyrian empire. In[21] B.C. 633 the Median kingdom was established, and soon became supreme over Assyria, Armenia, and Persia, and formed the Medo-Persian empire, which succeeded to the power of Babylon in the East, B.C. 536. After that date the history of Media is lost in that of Persia.
3. Persia was originally a small province on the Persian Gulf, still known as Fars. But Persia Proper included, besides the sandy plain on the gulf, a mountainous plateau north of it, and was bounded by Media on the north, by Carmania on the east, by the Persian Gulf on the south, and by Elam on the west. Its people were of the Aryan race, and at first subject to the Medes. They revolted under Cyrus the Great, and became the controlling power in the conquest of Nebuchadnezzar's dominion. The Persian empire arose to greatness at the fall of Babylon, B.C. 536, conquered and ruled over all the lands from India to Ethiopia, and was by far the greatest of the great Oriental monarchies. It was subjected by Alexander the Great, B.C. 330. The capital of the Persian empire was Susa, called in the Bible "Shushan the Palace" (Esther 1:2); which was, however, situated not in Persia Proper, but in Elam. The most important places in the province were Persepolis (its capital at one period), Pasargada, and Mesambria, none of which are named in the Bible.


Of these, two are situated mainly between the Zagros chain of mountains and the Tigris river, Assyria and Elam; two are between the Tigris and Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Chaldea; and one is the vast Arabian desert.
1. Assyria, in the Hebrew everywhere Asshur, was properly the province now called Kurdistan, lying on the western slope of the Zagros Mountains, and extending across the Tigris to the Sinjar hills and the border of the Mesopotamian desert. The mountains separate it from Armenia; and the line of division from Elam, on the southeast, was near the place where the Tigris and Euphrates approach nearest before their separation. The land was occupied by people of various races, of which the Semitic were predominant. The earliest city was at Asshur, supposed to be Kileh Sherghat, where a dynasty of kings began to rule about 1800 B.C., while the Israelite tribes were in Egypt. The seat of government was afterward transferred to Calah, or Halah (Nimrud), north of Asshur; and finally a permanent location of the capital was made at Nineveh, which became the centre of the great Assyrian empire. This will be described more fully with the map of that empire, on page 91. The Assyrian kingdom was long in its duration, but passed through many vicissitudes, several times ruling all the lands of the Euphrates, and again, in a feeble condition. Its principal cities, besides Nineveh, were Calah, Resen (which may have been at Selamiyeh, three miles south of Nineveh), and Rehoboth. There is reason to believe that all the four cities named in Gen. 10:11, 12, were combined in the walls of Nineveh.
2. Elam, called Susiana by the Greeks, lay southeast of Assyria and west of Persia Proper, between the Zagros chain of mountains and the Tigris river. It included both a mountainous and a lowland tract, the latter very fertile. Shushan (Susa), the capital of the Persian empire, lay within this province, and was its principal city. The earliest conqueror named in the Bible, Amraphel, was the king of Elam, and held dominion over most of the lands as far west as Canaan. (See the map of his empire, on page 34.) This kingdom was not of long continuance as an independent state, but soon fell under the power of Assyria, though maintaining its own organization as a vassal state until the Persian period, when it became a province of the empire.
3. Mesopotamia, called in Scripture Aram-naharaim, or "Syria of the two rivers," was a land of indefinite boundaries. The name means "between the rivers," and hence it was often applied to all the plain between the Tigris and Euphrates, including even Chaldea and a part of Assyria. A more frequent use of the name restricts it to the northwestern portion of the region between the rivers, above the place where they approach and separate again. The Sinjar hills, crossing, divide it into two sections, a higher and a lower, the former mountainous, and the latter mostly a great desert. The upper section contained the cities of Orfa (Edessa), formerly supposed to be the birthplace of Abraham; Haran, the patriarch's resting place on the way to Canaan; Nisibis and Amida, now Nisibin and Diarbekr. The only time when Mesopotamia appears in Bible history as a kingdom was a brief interval during the period of the Judges. (Judg. 3:8.) Earlier it had been occupied by separate and warring tribes; later it was a part of Assyria.
4. Chaldea is also called Shinar and Babylonia. The name Chaldea, in its most accurate sense, belongs to the southern portion of the province, but is generally used with reference to all the Mesopotamian plain south of Baghdad. It is perfectly level, and by nature one of the most fertile places on the whole earth. Its earliest inhabitants, at least the ruling portion of them, were Cushites, of the stock of Ham. An early Oriental kingdom began at Ur (Mugheir) about B.C. 3900. It lasted, with varying fortunes, until B.C. 538. Babylon afterward became the capital, and in a later period was the greatest city of the East. (See diagram on page 93.) Other cities of Chaldea were Erech (Orchoë), Calneh, and Sepharvaim. Further details of its political history are given in the account of the Babylonian empire of Nebuchadnezzar, on page 92.
5. The desert of Arabia occupies more than half of the map of the Old Testament World. That portion of it included upon the map is a vast triangle, having for its base the 28th parallel of latitude, from the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea, the Euphrates on its northeastern side, and the border of the Lebanon chain of mountains for its western. It is called in the Bible "the land of Kedar." It is a high, undulating, dry plain, with few oases, and almost impenetrable to travelers. From the[22] days of Abraham until the present, the caravans have gone around it upon the north, following up the Euphrates to Tiphsah (Thapsacus), and then turning southward rather than face its terrors. Only once in history is it related that an army crossed it. This was when Nebuchadnezzar, while ravaging Palestine, learned of his father's death, and crossed this great desert by the most direct route, in order to take possession of the throne.


These lands will receive more extended treatment in connection with other maps, so that we give them only a brief mention here.
1. Asia Minor scarcely enters the field of the Old Testament, except as the "land of the Hittites." It will be noticed under the topic of the Journeys of the Apostle Paul, page 117.
2. Syria, in the Hebrew Aram, is a name of indefinite signification, sometimes embracing all the territory north of The Wilderness of the Wandering, and therefore including Palestine and the provinces around it. But Syria Proper seems only to indicate the territory bounded by the Amanus and Taurus ranges of mountains on the north, by the Euphrates and the desert on the east, by Palestine, beginning with Mount Hermon, on the south, by the Mediterranean and Phœnicia on the west. It reaches the Mediterranean only near the mouth of the Orontes. It consists of three portions: On the north an elevated tract, never thickly populated, having Carchemish and Samosata as its principal cities; between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon ranges of mountains a great valley, called Cœle-Syria, "hollow Syria," forming the bed of the Orontes, flowing north, and the Leontes (Litany), flowing south; and on the east a level country reaching to the desert, containing the cities of Damascus on the south, Tiphsah (Thapsacus) on the north, and Tadmor (Palmyra) in the desert. During the times from Jeroboam to Jehoash, Syria was an independent kingdom, the rival of Israel, with which its political relations may be seen on the map on page 86. In the Old Testament period, Damascus was its principal city, and exercised sovereignty; but later, Antioch, in the north, became more prominent, and was the Greek and Roman capital of the province.
3. Phœnicia is a narrow strip of territory between the Mediterranean Sea and Mount Lebanon, north of Palestine and south of the Orontes. Its two great cities were, Zidon, the mother of Mediterranean commerce; and Tyre, her daughter. Its boundaries were never extensive; but its vessels traded with every land, and its colonies were planted all along the shores of the Mediterranean.
4. Palestine lies south of Phœnicia, between the Mediterranean and the desert. It will be described in connection with the Physical Map of Palestine, page 29, and Moab and Edom, near it, on pages 39 and 45.
5. South of Palestine is The Wilderness, a part of Arabia, in which the Israelites wandered during forty years. Its description may be found on page 42.
6. Egypt lies in the northeastern corner of Africa. See its description on page 41.


1. Let the teacher state the Extent of the Old Testament World, and its comparison in size with the United States, as given in the description; the class taking down the figures in their note-books.
2. Let the teacher draw upon the blackboard the Seas of the map, in presence of the class, describing each as it is drawn. If drawn in advance with an ordinary slate pencil, the mark cannot be seen by the class, but can be traced by the teacher with white chalk. Do not try to make the lines exact. A general sketch will answer far better than finished work. Write upon each its initial letter, but let the class give its full name; and at the same time follow the teacher by drawing the map on slates or in note-books. Review the names of the seas: Caspian, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Mediterranean or Great Sea, Dead Sea, Lake Arsissa or Van, Lake Urumiyeh.
3. Draw next the most important of the Mountain Ranges, showing their general lines, in blue or green color, naming each as drawn, requiring the class to repeat its name, and to review at the close all the names: Ararat (including Masius, Niphates, Abus), Caspian, Zagros, Lebanon, Taurus.
4. Draw the Rivers in white chalk, and drill the class upon their names as the course of each is shown: Araxes, Tigris, Euphrates, Orontes, Jordan, Nile. Review the names of seas, mountains, and rivers, before beginning the next subject.
5. Show the Lands in their three classes, and drill the class upon their names. (1.) Mountain Lands: Armenia, Media, Persia. (2.) Lands of The Plain: Assyria, Elam, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Arabia. (3.) Lands of The Mediterranean: Asia Minor, Syria, Phœnicia, Palestine, Wilderness, Egypt.
Review the entire map, from the beginning; then erase it, and call for the class to give the names as they are indicated by the pointer without marking.



One of the most ancient and valuable accounts of the races of mankind is found in the tenth chapter of Genesis. It states the location and, in large degree, the relationship of the various families upon the earth, as they were known to the descendants of Abraham.
black and white painting BIRS NIMROUD (SUPPOSED TOWER OF BABEL).
In the interpretation of this "Table of Nations" certain facts and principles are to be borne in mind. 1. It is incomplete; not undertaking to name all the races of mankind, but only those in the Hebrew, Egyptian, and Assyrian sphere of interest. Neither the yellow, the brown, or the black races are represented upon it, and only a portion of the ruddy or white race. 2. It is popular and not scientific. The Orientals never wrote with the precision of modern students. Hence find in this document terms employed in a general and indefinite manner. 3. It is, in reality, geographical rather than racial. For example, when it says "the sons of Canaan," we are not always to infer a literal descent, but a location in the land of Canaan. The names upon this table are generally not those of individuals, but of tribes. In some instances relationship may be indicated; but generally propinquity of settlement is all that can positively be affirmed. 4. It arranges the nations according to zones, in a general direction from northwest to southeast; not by continents, as was formerly supposed. The nations of the Japhetic family are found in Asia and Europe; the Shemites, or Semites, in Asia; the so-called Hamitic races, in Asia and Africa. After the deluge an instinct of migration took possession of the human family. From the original home (long supposed to be near the Caspian Sea, but now uncertain as to locality) clans moved in all directions, and nations arose, occupying different lands.


These belonged to seven families, who are called "sons of Japheth" in Gen. 10:2; and seven others, who are spoken of as his grandsons in Gen. 10:3, 4. These statements are not necessarily to be understood literally. There may have been other sons and grandsons of Japheth; but these were the ones whose names are remembered as the founders of nations. The peoples descended from Japheth belong to what is called the Aryan or Indo-European race.
1. Gomer is named, in Ezek. 38:2-6, as a race opposed to Israel after the captivity. They were probably the people whom the Assyrians called Gimirrai, and the Greeks Kimmerioi. Their name is perpetuated in the Crimea, their early home. A branch of this race moving westward became the Cimbri, who were formidable enemies of Rome; and probably another, the Cymry, settled in the British Isles, and were the ancestors of the Welsh and the Irish. The Celtic races, to which the French partly belong, are descended from this family.
Three of the families descended from Gomer formed separate tribes, named, in the table of nations in Gen. 10:3, after Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. All of these had homes around or near the Black Sea.
(1.) Ashkenaz is the name of a people spread out of Mysia and Phrygia in Asia Minor. "Ascanios," a Greek form of the word, occurs in Homer as the name of a Mysian and Phrygian prince. It is, however, true that, in Jer. 51:27, Ashkenaz is located in Western Armenia, whither this people had later migrated. Here, also, the Assyrians located them.
(2.) Riphath was formerly supposed to point to the Riphæn Mountains, north of the Danube and west of the Black Sea, but this is very doubtful.
(3.) Togarmah (Ezek. 27:14; 38:6) is identified with the land of Armenia, whose people have a tradition that they are descended from Targom.
2. Magog (called, in Ezek. 38 and 39, Gog, the prefix Ma being thought to signify "land") is generally understood to designate the Scythians.[24]
3. Madai is everywhere in Scripture the word translated Medes, whose early home was south of the Caspian Sea, whence they marched westward, and conquered the lands as far as the Mediterranean.
4. Javan is the Hebrew term for the Greeks, as is indicated by various references in the Old Testament. It is especially applied to the Ionians (originally called Iafon-es, the descendants of Iafon, or Javan), who were the Grecian people, with whom the Israelites were brought into commercial relations.
Five lands and races are named as subdivisions of the family of Javan in Gen. 10:4, all of which were situated near each other.
(1.) Elishah (or, as in Ezek. 27:7, "the isles of Elishah,") is supposed to refer to the Æolians, inhabiting the isles of the Ægean Sea, from which came the purple dye mentioned in Ezekiel's reference.
(2.) Tarshish was formerly supposed to refer to Tarsus in Cilicia of Asia Minor, on the authority of Josephus, but is now identified with Tartessus in Spain, embracing the coast land from Gibraltar to the Guadalquiver.
(3.) Kittim, or Chittim, was the name applied to the island of Cyprus, of which one of the cities was called Kitium. The name Chittim was also loosely given by the Hebrews to the shores and isles of the Mediterranean.
(4.) Dodanim (or, as in some copies of 1 Chron. 1:7, Rodanim). If the reading Dodanim be preferred, this may point to the Dardanians, a name often applied in the classics to the people of Troy, the famous city of Homer. The other reading, Rodanim, which is preferred by some critics, is supposed to point to the isle of Rhodes, in the Ægean Sea, a home of the ancient Greeks. Thus both Javan and all his sons who founded families were connected with the Greek race.
(5.) The Isles of the Gentiles (Gen. 10:5) in Hebrew refers not only to islands, but all lands bordering upon the sea. Here it refers to the Japhetic colonies on the coasts of the Mediterranean, the Black and the Caspian Seas.
5. Tubal, and 6. Meshech, are generally associated in Scripture. (Ezek. 27:13; 32:26; 38:2, 3; 39:1.) From their associations, they are to be sought near the Caspian and Black Seas, where Herodotus mentions the Tibareni and the Moschi.
7. Tiras (1. Chron. 1:5) was believed by the Jews to refer to the Thracians, southwest of the Black Sea. There is nothing to oppose this view, but no evidence except the similarity of name in its favor.


These are named with greater particularity, because they were those which rose to prominence early in the history, and those with which the Hebrews were brought into closer relations, either as enemies or as friends. Four principal races are given, some of which were greatly subdivided. The homes of these races were in Africa, Eastern Arabia, with a fringe of sea-coast along the eastern Mediterranean, and the great Mesopotamian valley, in which arose the earliest world empires. They have been sometimes called Turanians. It is by no means probable that all these nations should be regarded as the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. In this list are evidently grouped together some races whose territory was contiguous, but whose physical appearance and language show no relationship.
1. Cush is, throughout the Bible, the word translated Ethiopia. Generally this refers to the region south of Egypt, now known as Abyssinia; but in Gen. 2:13, Isa. 11:11, and Ezek. 38:5, the reference must be to an Asiatic Cush, in Mesopotamia. The subdivisions of the Cushite tribes in Gen. 10:7-12, show that the earliest great Oriental monarchies were of this race. These subdivisions are as follows:
(1.) Seba. These were, probably, the Ethiopians of Meroë, on the Nile, anciently called Saba; in Isa. 43:3 and 45:14, connected with the Egyptians.
(2.) Havilah. This is supposed to refer to Arabia, or at least a part of it.
(3.) Sabtah. This may refer to the Sabbatha, or Sabota, of Pliny and Ptolemy, on the southern shore of Arabia.
(4.) Raamah, with whom are associated his sons or descendants, Sheba and Dedan, occupied the eastern shore of Arabia, near the Persian Gulf.
(5.) Sabtechah. This is unknown, but, from the relation of the previous names, may have been in the southeastern portion of Arabia.
(6.) Nimrod is named as a descendant of Cush (perhaps the only name of an individual in the list), and the founder of the early Babylonian empire.
2. Mizraim is the name everywhere used for Egypt in the Hebrew. The word is in the dual form, representing the two divisions of the country, and corresponding to the two crowns on all the royal effigies. Several branches of this race are especially mentioned.
(1.) Ludim. Not the same with the Lud of verse 22, but from its associations plainly in Africa. The location has been given as Nubia, but is very doubtful.
(2.) Anamim. An unknown people, whose identity was early lost in some other race.
(3.) Lehabim. These are elsewhere in Scripture called Lubim, and were the Libyans, or people of Libya, west of Egypt, on the southern shore of the Mediterranean.
(4.) Naphtuhim. Probably the Na-Ptah of the Egyptian monuments, having their home at Memphis, south of the Delta.
(5.) Pathrusim. Often referred to in the prophets as Pathros, or Upper Egypt.
(6.) Casluhim. An unknown people, perhaps in the vicinity of Goshen.
(7.) Caphtorim. Generally supposed to refer to the people on the island of Crete. With these, and not with the Casluhim, should the Philistim be connected. (See Deut. 2:23, Jer. 47:4, Amos 9:7.)[26]
3. Phut. The word is several times translated Libya, and, from its association with other tribes, should probably be referred to that section in Northern Africa. (See Jer. 46:9; Ezek. 27:10; 30:5; 38:5; Nah. 3:9.) Some of these passages would indicate that there was also an Asiatic branch of this same family.
4. Canaan. The ancient inhabitants of Palestine and Lower Syria, from Gaza to Hamath. In their most flourishing period, just before the conquest by Joshua, they embraced six subdivisions or clans. (See map on page 36, and explanations.)

III. THE SEMITIC RACES. (Gen. 10:21-31.)

The descendants of Shem are placed last in the list of the table of nations, not because their founder was the youngest, but because out of their lines one family is chosen as the especial theme of the history, which thus receives a fitting introduction. Shem was the founder of five great races, and of many subordinate tribes.
1. Elam everywhere is recognized as the name of a province east of the Tigris and north of the Persian Gulf, called by the Greeks Elymais. The name was often applied, in later times, to the whole of Persia, whose capital stood within its territory.
2. Asshur is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. It was located on the Tigris, having Nineveh as its capital, and its people at one time were rulers of all the lands westward to the Mediterranean.
3. Arphaxad, or Arpachshad (as in the margin of Gen. 11:10), has been supposed to be the ancestor of the Chaldeans, whose home was at the head of the Persian Gulf. The patriarch Abraham belonged to his race, and was born in "Ur of the Chaldees." Another of Arphaxad's descendants was Joktan, from whom arose thirteen tribes, named after Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba (the most important of all in after history, absorbing most of the rest), Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these occupied the southeastern and southern sections of the great Arabian peninsula. The fact that some of these names have already been mentioned in the Hamite genealogies may indicate that the two races became mingled.
4. Lud. This is believed by most scholars to refer to the Lydians, who dwelt on the southwestern border of Asia Minor, and under their king, Crœsus, became a powerful nation. Their history was short, as their empire was conquered by Cyrus the Great.
5. Aram. This is the word uniformly rendered Syria throughout the Bible. The Arameans, or Syrians, occupied the region between Canaan and Phœnicia, on the east, the Euphrates on the north, and the great desert on the west and south. Four branches of this race formed separate tribes. Uz, the race of the ancient Job, was settled in the middle of North Arabia, near Nejd. Hul and Gether are supposed (but with slight evidences) to have occupied the country near Lake Merom, where the Geshurites were afterward found. Mash, or, as called in 1 Chron. 1:17, Meshech, may have merged with the Meshech of the Japhetic line.


1. The principal authorities for the map on page 24, and its explanations, are: "Ethnic Affinities," by Canon George Rawlinson; E. H. Browne, in "The Speaker's Commentary"; J. G. Murphy's "Notes on Genesis"; Dillmann, "Commentary on Genesis"; and "The Races of the Old Testament," by A. H. Sayce. To these the student is referred for more thorough discussion of the subject.
2. In teaching, draw on the blackboard a sketch map (no matter how roughly) of the outlines of the coast, as given above, and then write on each place the name of the people occupying it. Take, first, the great divisions of Noah's family; then, the subdivisions; then, the minor tribes. Review the locations as each family is finished. Write on the board only the first syllable of each name, as an aid to memory, as Ar for Arphaxad, Cu for Cush, etc. If the names of each of the three great races are written in chalk of a different color, it will make the distinctions more readily understood.
3. If practicable, by means of a duplicating process, print a sufficient number of copies of the sketch map to supply the class or audience, and let each person, with pencil, place on the map the names of the tribes as they are located. This will greatly add to the interest of the lesson.[27]


Table of Nations





The terms Canaan, Palestine and the Holy Land are used with various meanings. The first is the original name, taken from the ancestor of its early inhabitants; the second is a modernized form of the word "Philistine," a race occupying its southwest portion; the third is the name applied to it as the land where the Saviour of the world lived and died. In either one of these three names we may also find three different limitations of meaning. 1. Strictly speaking, the word "Canaan" refers to the country between the Jordan and the Mediterranean; bounded on the north by Mount Lebanon, and on the south by the desert. The name "Palestine" is often given to this section only. This region includes about 6,600 square miles, a territory smaller than the State of Massachusetts by 1,200 square miles. 2. Palestine Proper, the Land of the Twelve Tribes, embraces both Canaan and the region east of the Jordan, loosely called Gilead, though that name strictly belongs to but one section of it. Palestine Proper is bounded on the north by the river Leontes, Mount Lebanon and Mount Hermon; east by the Syrian desert, south by the Arabian desert, and west by the Mediterranean; and forms a sort of parallelogram, embracing an area of about 12,000 miles, about the size of Massachusetts and Connecticut. 3. The Land of Promise (Num. 34), in its largest meaning, extended from the "Entrance of Hamath," on the north, to Mount Hor, Kadesh-barnea, and the "River of Egypt" (Wady el Arish); and from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean; including an area of 60,000 square miles, a little less than that of the five New England States. This was realized only during a part of the reigns of David and Solomon. Not all of even Palestine Proper was possessed by Israel during most of its history; for the plain along the sea-shore was held by the Philistines on the south, and by the Phœnicians on the north.


The divisions of Palestine made by the natural features of the country are four, generally parallel to each other: 1. The Maritime Plain. 2. The Mountain Region. 3. The Jordan Valley. 4. The Eastern Table-Land.
1. The Maritime Plain lies along the coast of the Mediterranean for the entire length of the country, broken only by Mount Carmel, north of which it is quite narrow; but immediately south of the mountain it is 8 miles wide, thence widening to 20 miles at the southern boundary of the country. It is an undulating surface of low hillocks of sandy soil, from 100 to 200 feet above the sea-level, and very fertile. In the Old Testament period it was but little occupied by the Israelites, whose home was on the mountains. It is divided into four portions. North of Mount Carmel a narrow strip is called Phœnicia. Directly east of Mount Carmel the level country is pressed inward, and lies between the mountains, forming the remarkable Plain of Esdraelon, physically belonging to the Maritime Plain, but geographically to the Mountain Region. South of Mount Carmel lay Sharon; and further southward was Philistia, a land whose people, the Philistines, were long the enemies of Israel, and have since given the name Palestine to the whole land.
2. The Mountain Region, between the Jordan Valley and the Plain, is the backbone of the country, and was the principal home of the Israelites. It is a continuation of the Lebanon range of mountains, and extends southward to the desert. It is divided into five sections, by natural rather than political lines of boundary. (1.) In Upper Galilee the mountains average a height of 2,800 feet above the sea, and Jebel Jermuk, the highest peak, is 4,000 feet high. (2.) In Lower Galilee the hills are about 1,800 feet high, their southeastern slopes precipitous, the northern and northwestern gentle. In this section lies the Plain of Esdraelon, about 250 feet above the sea, 9 miles across, and 14 miles north and south. (3.) The Hill Country of Samaria and Judæa, called in the Old Testament "Mount Ephraim," and "the mountains of Judah," is from 2,000 to 3,000 feet high, consisting of mountain and valley, with the watershed midway between the Jordan and the sea. Near the Dead Sea is the Wilderness of Judæa, an uninhabitable region, without verdure, and penetrated with ravines and caves; sometimes called Jeshimon. (4.) The Shefelah, or "low hills," are the foot-hills of the Mountain Region, forming a natural[30] terrace 500 feet above the sea-level, on the western side of the mountains, between them and the Plain. This extends along both Samaria and Judæa. (5.) The Negeb, a word meaning "dry," translated "South Country" in the Bible, begins just south of Hebron, and slopes southward to the Arabian desert, in a series of hills much lower than those in the northern section.
3. The Jordan Valley is a remarkable depression, beginning at the sources of the river, and plowing a gorge which grows deeper as it goes southward. At the springs of the Jordan it is 1,700 feet above the sea, with lofty mountains on each side, Hermon and Lebanon. At lake Merom it is 7 feet above the level of the sea. Below Merom it descends by a fall of 60 feet to the mile, and at the Sea of Galilee is 682 feet below the Mediterranean. Here begins the Ghor (its Arab name, meaning "hollow"), a gorge 65 miles long to the Dead Sea, and descending 610 feet further in its depth, with a barrier of cliffs on either side, from 2 to 8 miles apart, except at the "Plain of Jordan," or "Plain of Jericho," just north of the Dead Sea, which is 14 miles wide. This plain lies 400 feet above the level of the Dead Sea, and is encompassed by mountains which rise above it about 4,000 feet.
4. The Eastern Table-Land is a lofty plateau, east of the Jordan. The mountains on this side are higher and more steep than are those on the west; and from their summit a plain stretches away to the great Syrian desert. It is mostly fertile, and especially adapted to pasturage. On the north is Bashan, now called "the Hauran," in the centre lies Gilead, and south was the land of Moab.


These may be noticed under three heads: 1. The River Jordan. 2. The Three Lakes. 3. The Brooks, or mountain torrents.
1. The River Jordan has three sources. (1.) The most northerly is at Hasbeiya, on Hermon. (2.) The largest stream proceeds from a great spring at the ancient Dan, now Tell el Kady. (3.) The one recognized as the source by the Jews is at Banias, near the ancient Cæsarea Philippi. It may be divided into three sections: from Hasbeiya to Lake Merom, about 40 miles; from its entrance into Merom to the Sea of Galilee, 15 miles; and from the northern end of that lake to the Dead Sea, 79 miles,—making its direct length 134 miles, though by its windings the channel is about 200 miles long. In its progress it falls over 3,000 feet, an average fall of over 22 feet to the mile. It varies in width from 80 to 180 feet, and in depth from 5 to 12 feet.
2. The Three Lakes are: (1.) Merom, now called Huleh, a triangular sheet of water three miles across, located in a swamp in Northern Galilee. (2.) The Sea of Galilee, called Chinnereth in the Old Testament, a pear-shaped lake, 14 miles long, and 9 wide. (3.) The Dead Sea, 46 miles long, its surface 1,290 feet below the level[31] of the Mediterranean, and in some places 1,300 feet deep, though the great lagoon on its southern end is not more than 20 feet deep.
3. The Brooks, or mountain torrents, are an important feature in the country. They are dry for most of the year, but during the winter are large and rapid. (1.) On the east of the Jordan Valley are: (a) the Hieromax (now called the Jarmuk), flowing from the highlands of Bashan into the Jordan, south of the Sea of Galilee; (b) the Jabbok (now Zerka), descending from the table-land, and entering the Jordan a little south of midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea; (c) the Arnon (now Mojeb), entering the Dead Sea about the middle of its eastern shore. (2.) Flowing from the Mountain Region eastward are: (a) the Farah, "the waters of Enon" (John 3:23); (b) the brook Cherith (1 Kings 17:3), perhaps Wady Kelt, near Jericho; (c) the brook Kedron, running past Jerusalem, eastward, into the Dead Sea, probably the Wady en Nar. (3.) Flowing into the Mediterranean are: (a) the Leontes (now Litany), the northern boundary of Palestine, a stream almost as long as the Jordan; (b) the Kishon, "that ancient river" (Judg. 5:21), watering the Plain of Esdraelon; (c) the brook Besor (Wady es Sheriah), near the southern frontier. Others might be named, but these are the most important, though not in all cases the largest.


These may be considered either in order of height or of location. The diagram groups the principal mountains[32] in the relation of their comparative height above the sea-level; we may notice them in their order of location. They naturally divide into two sections: 1. Those of the Mountain Region west of Jordan. 2. Those of the Eastern Table-Land.
Beginning at the northern boundary of Palestine, we find: 1. Mount Lebanon, "the white mountain," a range of lofty mountains stretching northward, parallel with the sea, generally about 5,000 feet high, but at its highest point, Jebel Mukhmeel, 10,200 feet high. 2. The highest point in Galilee is Jebel Jermuk, northwest of the Sea of Galilee, 4,000 feet high. 3. West of the Sea of Galilee is Kurûn Hattin, "the horns of Hattin," the traditional "Mount of the Beatitudes," 1,200 feet high. 4. At the northeastern corner of the Plain of Esdraelon is Mount Tabor, a symmetrical cone, the battle-field of Deborah and Barak, 1,843 feet high. 5. A short distance to the south stands Little Hermon, "the Hill of Moreh," now Jebel el Duhy, 1,815 feet high. 6. Southward still is Mount Gilboa, the place of Gideon's victory and of King Saul's defeat, 1,715 feet high. 7. Sweeping around the southern border of the Plain of Esdraelon to the Mediterranean Sea is Mount Carmel, at its highest point 1,750 feet, but 500 as it meets the sea. These last four mountains form the boundary of the Plain of Esdraelon. In the land of Samaria, which we now enter, are but two important elevations: 8. Ebal, the mountain of the curses, 3,075 feet; 9. Directly opposite, Gerizim, the mountain of the blessings, 2,850 feet. The principal peaks in Judæa are the following: 10. Mount Zion, the seat of David's castle, 2,550 feet; 11. Across the valley of the Kedron eastward, the Mount of Olives, 2,665 feet; 12. Mount Hebron, 3,030 feet. South of Hebron the land slopes away to the level of the desert.
The Eastern Table-Land has fewer elevations, and is generally less noticed in the Scriptures. 1. On the north rises Mount Hermon, 9,000 feet high, the southern end of the range known as Anti-Lebanon, or "Lebanon toward the sun-rising." 2. South of the river Hieromax is Mount Gilead, about 3,000 feet high. 3. Near the northern end of the Dead Sea is Mount Nebo, 2,670 feet high, on a "shoulder" of which, Mount Pisgah, Moses beheld the Promised Land, and died.


These have been already noticed, to some extent, but may be named together. Upon the Maritime Plain, we notice: 1. Phœnicia, a very narrow strip along the Mediterranean, north of Mount Carmel, never possessed by the Israelites, and having Tyre and Sidon as its principal cities. 2. Directly south of Mount Carmel, Sharon, having Cæsarea and Joppa as its most important places. 3. Still further south, Philistia, the land of Israel's ancient enemies, containing several cities, of which Gaza and Ashkelon (afterward Ascalon) were chief. Upon the Mountain Region we find imbedded, 4. The Plain of Esdraelon, a Y-shaped region, 250 feet above the sea-level, surrounded by mountains, and situated between Mounts Carmel, Tabor and Gilboa. 5. The Negeb, or South Country, between Hebron and the desert, in Southern Judæa, may be regarded as a plain, though of rolling character, as its hills are not so high as those on the north. 6. In the Jordan Valley, just north of the Dead Sea, is a place called "the Plain of Jordan," or "the Plain of Jericho," the site of the destroyed "cities of the plain." 7. In the northern section of the Eastern Table-Land is the vast highland known as "the Hauran," anciently called Bashan, watered by the streams which form the Hieromax river.

I. Dimensions. 1. Canaan. 2. Palestine (Twelve Tribes). 3. Land of Promise.
II. Natural Divisions. 1. Maritime Plain. 2. Mountain Region (Upper Galilee, Lower Galilee, Hill Country, Shefelah, Negeb). 3. Jordan Valley (Merom, Galilee, Dead Sea). 4. Eastern Table-Land (Bashan, Gilead, Moab).
III. Waters. 1. Jordan (sources, sections). 2. Lakes (Merom, Galilee, Dead Sea). 3. Brooks. (1.) East: Hieromax, Jabbok, Arnon. (2.) Mountain Region: Farah, Cherith, Kedron. (3.) Maritime Plain: Leontes, Kishon, Besor.
IV. Mountains. 1. West of Jordan: Lebanon, Jermuk, Hattin, Tabor, Little Hermon, Gilboa, Carmel, Ebal, Gerizim, Zion, Olives, Hebron. 2. East of Jordan: Hermon, Gilead, Nebo.
V. Plains. 1. Phœnicia. 2. Sharon. 3. Philistia. 4. Esdraelon. 5. Negeb. 6. Jordan. 7. Hauran.



At the close of the eleventh chapter of Genesis a change is made in the subject of the Bible story. Thus far it has been a history of the entire race; but from this point to the close of Genesis a single family is brought into prominent notice, and the rest of the tribes of men are referred to only incidentally. The family of Abraham, of Semitic origin, deserve all their prominence in sacred history, since through them the true religion was perpetuated until the world was ready for its wider dissemination in the gospel period.


These extend over nearly all the lands of the Old Testament, from Chaldea to Egypt. They represent the separation of a Semitic clan from the great body of the race, which was then ruled by an Elamite dynasty; and they bring to our notice the political relations of the world about two thousand years before Christ, in the early Chaldean period of the East.
1. From Ur to Haran. (Gen. 11:27-32.) The family of Abraham (then called Abram) lived at Ur of the Chaldees, probably Mugheir, south of the Euphrates, and an early seat of empire. Thence, at God's call, they migrated, moving up the Euphrates to Haran, in Mesopotamia, probably the Roman Carrhæ, and the modern Haran, on the river Belik, 50 miles above its entrance into the Euphrates. Here the family remained until the death of Terah, Abraham's aged father, whose traditional tomb is still shown.
2. From Haran to Canaan. (Gen. 12:1-9.) A branch of the family, the descendants of Abraham's brother Nahor, settled in Haran; but Abraham and his nephew Lot moved on southward, past Damascus, to the land of Canaan. They paused first at Shechem, and afterward at Bethel, at each place building an altar; but after a time removed further southward, impelled by the dearth of food in the land.
3. The Visit to Egypt. (Gen. 12:10-20.) The famine caused a removal of the entire clan to Egypt, where the beauty of Sarah was the occasion of Abraham's deception, of Pharaoh's wrong, and of Abraham's expulsion from the land. He returned to his former abode at Bethel. (Gen. 13:3, 4.)
4. The Removal to Hebron. (Gen. 13:5-18.) This was occasioned by the scarcity of pasture for the immense flocks and herds of Abraham and Lot. The two chieftains made a division of the land, Lot choosing the Jordan Valley, north of the Dead Sea, near the city of Sodom, and Abraham the highlands around Hebron, anciently Kirjath-arba, now known by Abraham's title, el Khalil, "The Friend," i. e., of God.
5. Pursuit of the Elamites. (Gen. 14.) At that period the early Babylonian empire, under Amraphel or Hammurabi (see p. 91), was at the height of its power. Its king governed Elam, Chaldea, Assyria, Mesopotamia, and most of Palestine. Chedorlaomer, the head of the united peoples, led his armies against the aboriginal races east of the Jordan. (See Map of Palestine Before the Conquest, and description, on page 37.) After subduing them he passed around south of the Dead Sea, smote the Amorites in the mountains near Hazezon-tamar, afterward En-gedi, and poured his host down upon the Jordan Valley. The cities on the north of the Dead Sea, Sodom and Gomorrah, with their dependent villages, being unable to stay his progress, were ravaged, and their inhabitants (including Abraham's nephew Lot) carried away captive, up the valley. News of the invasion came to Abraham, and he instantly gathered his servants and allies, and pursued the marauders. He overtook them near Laish, afterward Dan, now Tell el Kady, attacked them by night, pursued them as far as Hobah, near Damascus, and brought back the booty and[34] the prisoners. On the return took place the remarkable interview with Melchizedek, a priest-king over the city of Salem, perhaps the place afterward Jerusalem. After the return to Hebron the following events occurred: 1. The covenant of God with Abraham. (Gen. 15.) 2. The birth of Ishmael. (Gen. 16.) 3. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen. 18, 19.) These cities were probably located on the plain of Jordan, north of the Dead Sea, and not on the south, as formerly supposed; but all traces of them have entirely disappeared.
6. The Settlement at Beersheba. (Gen. 20-25.) After the destruction of the cities of the plain, Abraham moved southward, and made his home at Beersheba, on the desert border, now Bir es Seba. Here he spent most of his later years, as after various journeys we find him each time encamped at Beersheba.
7. The Offering of Isaac. (Gen. 22.) From Beersheba Abraham took his son Isaac, at God's command, to offer him as a burnt offering in "the land of Moriah." Some authorities accept the Samaritan tradition, that this place was Mount Gerizim; but we see no sufficient reason to dissent from the general view, that it was Mount Moriah, at Jerusalem, ten centuries afterward the site of the Temple. After this sublime token of his faith in God, the patriarch returned to his tent at Beersheba.
8. The Burial of Sarah. (Gen. 23.) We find Abraham again at Hebron, in his old age. Here Sarah died and was buried in the cave of Machpelah. This is undoubtedly covered by the Mohammedan mosque so sacredly guarded against the intrusion of travelers. The after events of Abraham's history may have taken place at Hebron or at Beersheba, as neither place is


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